dramatic musical theatre monologuesdramatic musical theatre monologues

dramatic musical theatre monologues dramatic musical theatre monologues

What I did was awful, and Im so sorry. O, the cry did knockAgainst my very heart. It was an abortion. If by your art, my dearest father, you havePut the wild waters in this roar, allay them.The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch,But that the sea, mounting to the welkins cheek,Dashes the fire out. I have this thing about not seeing people in the flesh. If you dont see one you like, keep checking back! Rather, I shouldnt say suddenly. I wanna talk to him. . A coward. Which gave my mother relief, because it meant that in the bad times, there would be good times. Never! All these years? Precisely. Id like to help you out with that myself, if thats all right with you. My father smiled at me and I smiled at him. A monologue from the play by Emma Goldman-Sherman. . Or the people who came before. Why do you do it? and perhaps for it I will be butchered in my bed some night by the servants of empire . The roads are peopled by refugees towing carts and road gangs looking for fuel and food. Baird men, ya hurt this boy, youre going to be Baird Bums, the lot of ya. Herehere go a quarter. Everything shorts out right there in my cockpit. Youre sheltering enemies of the state, are you not? I understand your trepidation in repeating it. THE MOONLIGHT ROOM 8. Dont stare too long. Now heres Charlie. . Theatre, Drama Duke of York's Theatre, Covent Garden Until 3 Jun 2023 Recommended Photo: John Wilson Buy ticket Time Out says Sheridan Smith is tremendous in Matthew Dunster's skilled revival. Ive lived next door to you all the days of my life. The only choice I had, the only thing I could control was when, and how, and where it was going to happen. I only know the killer was black. Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. Im just so..bored. The talks about . I like to think about the life of wine. MONOLOGUES Two contrasting monologues - both contemporary - presented in English We define "contemporary" as anything written from around 1900 to now. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. I hadn't seen him since we split up, not once. She was a schoolteacher named Mary May. And then they all started to laugh. Yet, theyre both rodents, are they not? Prison teaches no good and Siberia doesnt either but another human being can . . I hope that the world turns and that things get better. Far from the cities that have paved the world away, and the farms which had turned it into a resource. A monologue from the screenplay by William Broyles Jr. We both had done the math. Dont touch. Perhaps you feel, Violante, that I am too forward. What do you really wanna know? I found the letters you wrote to him as a child, and I read them. Ive never cried so hard in my life. The power-hungry Lady Macbeth will not be ignored. I admit it, sometimes I use excessive force. Well one night I heard a noise thieves creeping in! 1 minute and 23 seconds later the plane crashed into a field. (then) Because this world doesnt belong to you. Tartuffe is not of this stamp, I know. A great lumbering beast. We find no cabals, no intrigues among them; all their anxiety is to live a holy life. I just sat there holding Shelbys hand while the sounds got softer and the beeps got farther apart until all was quiet. This penitential robe will keep. Little kids are gonna follow me around and theyre gonna know my name and what I stood for, and theyre gonna give me some of their sweets in thanks, and Im gonna take those sweets and thank them and tell them to get home safe, and Im gonna be happy. But those are not the crimes Im being tried for. Instead, I stand before you, mask off, to tell you the Gods honest. And the weight of the log, snapped the limb of the tree, so I-I , I couldnt even kill myself the way I wanted to. . But I dont want you to. And sometimes I use excessive force on an entirely innocent individual. Khaki pants. that bed, that womb,That metal, that self-mould, that fashiond theeMade him a man; and though thou livest and breathest,Yet art thou slain in him: thou dost consentIn some large measure to thy fathers death,In that thou seest thy wretched brother die,Who was the model of thy fathers life.Call it not patience, Gaunt; it is despair:In suffering thus thy brother to be slaughterd,Thou showest the naked pathway to thy life,Teaching stern murder how to butcher thee:That which in mean men we intitle patienceIs pale cold cowardice in noble breasts.What shall I say? and hear your playmates calling you, Johnny, Johnny! How it went through me, just to hear your name called! Its a reason to lose weight, to fit in the red dress. It makes tomorrow all right. . Then a man weve never met chose to kill him. Because I do. When I was a girl, my father held a ball. If he could see that far hed look up and find twenty-five dollars in his pocket. Id only trip on it now! Post navigation. No one moved like him. I cant go to the police. Hes gone; and on his finger bears my signet,Which is to him a sceptre. . It was the first time Id got one over on them. So kneel down over here, please, so I can connect you to this battery. Apparently. It wakes me up. Australian Monologues for Women Things I Know To Be True (Andrew Bovell) The Call (Patricia Cornelius) Blackrock (Nick Enright) Europe (Michael Gow) The Black Sequin Dress (Jenny Kemp) Who's Afraid of the Working Class Anna Robi and the House of Dogs (Maxine Mellor) The Seed (Kate Mulvany) The Female of the Species (Joanna Murray-Smith) Words that make me surfeit with delight!What greater bliss can hap to GavestonThan live and be the favourite of a king!Sweet prince, I come; these, these thy amorous linesMight have enforcd me to have swum from France,And, like Leander, gaspd upon the sand,So thou wouldst smile, and take me in thine arms.The sight of London to my exild eyesIs as Elysium to a new-come soul.Not that I love the city, or the men,But that it harbours him I hold so dear The king, upon whose bosom let me dieAnd with the world be still at enmity.What need the Arctic people love starlight,To whom the sun shines by both day and night?Farewell base stooping to the lordly peers!My knee shall bow to none but to the king.As for the multitude, that are but sparks,Rakd up in the embers of their poverty;Tanti, Ill fawn first on the windThat glanceth at my lips, and flieth away. These forces that often remake time and space, that can shape and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, begin long before we are born and continue after we perish. Your fathers gone, youre gone. Busted. .no, worse than tigresses . I cant keep you out of this house. I TRIED TO STOP IT (West Side Story) I REMEMBER EVERYTHING (Oaklahoma) WHY NOT ME TOO? . Because to tell you the truth, I dont give a sh*t. A monologue from the screenplay by Lily Wachowski, Lana Wachowski, and Tom Tykwer. Thats my life now. I keep thinking Im gonna wake up and everythings gonna be fine. racks? Lets finally guarantee its rights to all of our citizens. Some called it the American Desert. But tell that to the inmates who are kept in cages and told that they dont have any rights at all. Step into the streets without looking and the carriage merely stops or swerves; the only consequence an angry driver. Why didnt they ask me to marry them? CONTENTS . 84 Dramatic Monologues For Women (Powerful & Emotional Pieces), Disclaimer: Some of the articles on Mighty Actor include affiliate links to sites like Amazon, Skillshare, and others. I just dont get it. Continue with Recommended Cookies. But there are too many scruples, and my reason is alarmed at the contempt of a choice so worthy; although to monarchs only my [proud] birth may assign me, Rodrigo, with honor I shall live under thy laws. Make assay.Bow, stubborn knees; and heart with strings of steel,Be soft as sinews of the new-born babe!All may be well. The love of your life? does it not show too clearly over whom thou art destined to reign? My thoughts on the. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home | Uncategorized | 84 Dramatic Monologues For Women (Powerful & Emotional Pieces), A monologue from the play by Nora and Delia Ephron. You know, like, leave me. To me, its just a made up word, a politicians word, so that young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie and have a job. Fear. The unspoken rule in my house was that my moms name was never mentioned after her death. I havent come here on any but equal terms. There isnt enough pity to go round. Friends, be gone: you shallHave letters from me to some friends that willSweep your way for you. A monologue from the tv series written by David Benioff & D.B. She doesnt wash her hair, and she has on the same outfit shes worn for three days, but she puts on lipstick! There is no alternative to justice in this case. alone, slumped over a little, staring at the cinders between his feet, just staring I dont know how long he stayed there, maybe till dark, but I do know he never again came down to see me play. At least a fireman. Sometimes it was so cold my toes turned blue. But Im so grateful that she was with me on that island. Two wrongs do not make a right. So, here is the truth about me. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. I know. Go, go bragHow many ladies you have undone, like me.Fare you well sir; let me hear no more of you.I had a limb corrupted to an ulcer,But I have cut it off: and now Ill goWeeping to heaven on crutches. Christ pitied everybody and he said to us: Go and do likewise! I tell you if you pity a man when he most needs it, good comes of it. Gone. Now, by my life,Old fools are babes again; and must be usedWith cheques as flatteries,when they are seen abused.Remember what I tell you. Sir, call to mindThat I have been your wife, in this obedience,Upward of twenty years, and have been blestWith many children by you: if, in the courseAnd process of this time, you can report,And prove it too, against mine honour aught,My bond to wedlock, or my love and duty,Against your sacred person, in Gods name,Turn me away; and let the foulst contemptShut door upon me, and so give me up. Yesterday I believed that I would never have done what I did today. those bigots whose sacrilegious and deceitful grimaces impose on others with impunity, and who trifle as they like with all that mankind holds sacred; those men who, wholly given to mercenary ends, trade upon godliness. He will not useHis past experience, like a man of sense,To judge the present need, but lends an earTo any croaker if he augurs ill.Since then my counsels naught avail, I turnTo thee, our present help in time of trouble,Apollo, Lord Lycean, and to theeMy prayers and supplications here I bring.Lighten us, lord, and cleanse us from this curse!For now we all are cowed like marinersWho see their helmsman dumbstruck in the storm. What that felt like. And I have seen boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. Within a year there were fires on the ridges and deranged chanting. And then it begins its steady, inevitable decline. If a rat were to scamper through your front door, right now, would you greet it with hostility? (Undine realizes the addicts are eavesdropping and finds herself including them in her confessional.). . But lately I have started to wonder if maybe we just say that to make ourselves feel better. One contemporary piece written after 1950. How shall I bearTo enter here? Shall I listen to thee still, pride of my birth, that makest a crime out of my passions? A monologue from the play by Donald Margulies. I found some houses I think you might like. repose] this day depends upon it. Men go out with me, we break up, and then they get married! You must try harder to hate me, my lady; but no, for if you do, then I will love you all the more. Yes, it had begun that early. Now, my liege,Tell me what blessings I have here alive,That I should fear to die? And if its not okay its not the end. The childs side. Why get up? My lords, ye look amazed to see your queenWith wreaths and gifts of incense in her hands.I had a mind to visit the high shrines,For Oedipus is overwrought, alarmedWith terrors manifold. I think its October but I cant be sure. I flunked that part, and if a person isnt right before my eyes, I dont necessarily believe they exist. I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today it would taste different than if Id opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is actually alive. They were incredibly proud, and why not? Now, is this kind of behavior in an officer of the law in some way questionable morally? She says shed rather stay home and clean the apartment. . Now my ministrys at stake; my ministry and perhaps your cousins life.Whatever abomination you have done, give me all of it now, for I dare not be taken unaware when I go before them down there. And thou, glorious instrument of my exploits, but yet a useless ornament of an enfeebled body numbed by age [lit. Merciful Heaven,Thou rather with thy sharp and sulphurous boltSplitst the unwedgeable and gnarled oakThan the soft myrtle: but man, proud man,Drest in a little brief authority,Most ignorant of what hes most assured,His glassy essence, like an angry ape,Plays such fantastic tricks before high heavenAs make the angels weep; who, with our spleens,Would all themselves laugh mortal. Then we perceive that all of us was not in that act, and that it would be an atrocious injustice to judge us by that action alone, as if all our existence were summed up in that one deed. I know! Oh, Michael. Isnt that right, Uncle Billy? I dont know what to do. Destiny, a former child soldier in Liberia, has come to the United States as an undocumented refugee. are you all afraid?Alas, I blame you not; for you are mortal,And mortal eyes cannot endure the devil.Avaunt, thou dreadful minister of hell!Thou hadst but power over his mortal body,His soul thou canst not have; therefore be gone.Foul devil, for Gods sake, hence, and trouble us not;For thou hast made the happy earth thy hell,Filld it with cursing cries and deep exclaims.If thou delight to view thy heinous deeds,Behold this pattern of thy butcheries.O, gentlemen, see, see! I mean, to what end? Therefore proceed. Fear. As I came in here, I heard those words, cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And it just started, like, this avalanche of sh*t, about maybe I deserve it. I should have said that my mother took an extra shift so I could have a new coat every year. What sensation do you get when I do that?Nothing! A monologue from the play by Tristine Skyler. She refuses to take Martinas baby, Sofia, should Martina die, because she prefers to remain focused on her education. Oh, I suppose I am sick. The Long Farewell. Some one has to be kind, girl some one has to pity people! So uh, you, uh, never know what what events are to transpire to get you home. Manage Settings Youre good at it. Id throw my things in a cardboard box and run outside in my pajamas in bare feet. Child Soldier 2. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. And the wolf has no interest in your dreams. BidOur priest prepare us honey, milk, and poppy,His masculine odours, and night-vestments. Go to a hotel, go live with her, but dont come back! Now I, on the other hand, love my unofficial title precisely because Ive earned it. The other thing about depression is it kind of collapses time. I know movings a big deal. The Hershey Theatre will only permit bags 5"x8"x1" or smaller, which includes hand clutches, wristlets and small purses. I had an experience I cant prove it, I cant even explain it, but everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real! He gave me this, you know. Dont destroy it! I turned back to look at your little body, a naked scrap of promise lying in the dust. (Reading from a letter): My father is deceasd! . It was me. And why?! Because Im a good policeman. If you are too weak, you will be eaten. Nay, then,if these things are pleasing to the gods,when I have suffered my doom,I shall come to know my sin; but if the sinis with my judges, I could wish themno fuller measure of evil than they,on their part, mete wrongfully to me. And in the middle of this burning I am supposed to envision my life, Mary. I say he could have did something with that quarter. And he said . Copyright [2023] Mighty Actor, DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS), 20 Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Men From Plays, 22 Best Classical Dramatic Monologues For Men, 23 Dramatic Monologues For Men From Movies, 53 Best Dramatic Shakespeare Monologues For Men, The Top 5 Reasons Actors Should Move To Atlanta, 7 Best Modeling Agencies In Iowa (Up-to-date & Current Listings), 19 Dramatic Shakespeare Monologues For Women, 21 Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays. Pitiless fate, whose severity separates my glory and my desires! Sal becomes embarrassed.). No matter what I do I dont feel anything. Its terrifying. Office Hour Gender: Male Length: 90 Seconds Monologue Type: Dramatic And an apple pie. I was fine, until I read your f***ing book! The only safeguard people of color have is the right to a defense, and we wont even give them that. All her clothes were gone. Thinking about my whole life, how . There is an overwhelming, and there is an all-pervading, hatreda hatredof people like you. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. But it did sound a lot calmer than the way I would describe it. As big as mountains. Rodrigo, thy valor renders thee worthy of me; but although thou art valiant, thou art not the son of a king. Then we wouldnt be here. And I say to them, You should have asked for bread straight away!, And they say: We got tired of asking you beg and beg and nobody gives you a crumb it hurts! So they stayed with me all that winter one of them, Stepan, would take my gun and go shooting in the forest . But I said, No babe, I had a salad and one of those meals, like 3 points and sh*t. And you just looked at me. I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever A vision of the universe, that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and insignificant and how rare, and precious we all are! escaped convicts from a Siberian prison camp . Do you know the campground is only twelve miles away from here? If I hadnt felt sorry for them they might have killed me or maybe worse and then there would have been a trial and prison and afterwards Siberia whats the sense of it? . Are you lonely for your long lost family, the one you never really wanted, or do people want families before theyre formed and then freak out that they cant manage them once they get them? Why did you do that?Doesnt matter now. I might assuredly answer to thee. Could great men thunderAs Jove himself does, Jove would neer be quiet,For every pelting, petty officerWould use his heaven for thunder;Nothing but thunder! Really Really 7. '42nd STREET' (Julian Marsh): "By tomorrow night I'll either have a live leading lady or a dead chorus girl" '42nd STREET' (Julian Marsh): "Sawyer, think of Broadway" '42nd STREET' (Julian Marsh): "All right, everybody gather around and listen to me" '42nd Street' (Dorothy Brock): "So you're going to take my place" 1 2 3 It wasnt a miscarriage. telling me my dads gonna be all right. Your father made you believe otherwise. And that is my story! I knew, somehow, that I had to stay alive. this affliction of love, and has never let go of me since, but kept on growing. My siblings left the kitchen. Weiss. How to destroy Ellaria Sand, the woman who murdered my only daughter. The scar is all I have left of you. I cant believe were actually going! That was the finest beating I ever took. In Memphis, talking to you. Applying to the naval academy following in my fathers footsteps. MONOLOGUES FOR MALES . Sir, I desire you do me right and justice;And to bestow your pity on me: forI am a most poor woman, and a stranger,Born out of your dominions; having hereNo judge indifferent, nor no more assuranceOf equal friendship and proceeding. Because of this thing tomorrow. (pause) Is your mouth all glued up with cunny juice? Mary, every day really is a new day. And upon that sand a new god will walk. Thats what preserves the order of things. fires] in order to extinguish my own. My lights are gone. But he was wrong. Why should I even make the bed, or wash the dishes? I heard a thousand stories. What do you call this house?Is this your palace? Bid them all fly!For when I am revenged upon my charm,I have done all. You dont feel the cold at my age, specially not in the legs. Its gonna make ya proud one day I promise you. I have been studying how I may compareThis prison where I live unto the world;And, for because the world is populousAnd here is not a creature but myself,I cannot do it. I buy what I want, I dont want it. what old or newer tortureMust I receive, whose every word deservesTo taste of thy most worst? And then she ditches me. remarkable] insult, in spite of the choice of the king, has contrived [lit. Is not that glimmer there afar That dying exhalation that pale star A tiny taper, which, with trembling blazeFlickering twixt struggling flames and dying rays,With ineffectual sparkMakes the dark dwelling place appear more dark?Yes, for its distant light,Reflected dimly, brings before my sightA dungeons awful gloom,Say rather of a living corse, a living tomb;And to increase my terror and surprise,Drest in the skins of beasts a man there lies:A piteous sight,Chained, and his sole companion this poor light.Since then we cannot fly,Let us attentive to his words draw nigh,Whatever they may be. I do worry that hes a littlespoiled. Meanwhile, I endure an incredible torture; even up to this bridal. Whenever I wanted something I could here that voice telling me to stop, to be careful, to live most of my life unlived. Look at myself No smiling man ever comes here; nothing is to be seen here but angry glances, snarling lips, clenched fists And everybody pours his anger, his envy, his suspicions, upon me. that I [shall] die whether it be accomplished, or whether it be not accomplished. What may be the danger,I know not: he hath found it, let him quell it.Must I consume my lifethis little lifeIn guarding against all may make it less!It is not worth so much! Ah, its not the same. La Sainte Courtisane. only to keep in sight of your torn red sweater, racing about the vacant lot you played in. Female Theatre Monologues for Teens Dry Land (Ruby Rae Speigel) Ester: I've been sleeping in my swimsuit. A monologue from the tv series created by Vince Gilligan & Peter Gould, Hi. it waxes, nears me nowWoe, woe for me, Apollo of the dawn!Lo, how the woman-thing, the lionessCouched with the wolfher noble mate afarWill slay me, slave forlorn! New York: Brantanos, 1922. A monologue from the play by Daniel Pearle. Im sorry. Believes Terentius,If these were dangersas I shame to think themThe gods could change the certain course of fate?Or, if they could, they would now, in a moment,For a beefs fat, or less, be bribed t invertThose long decrees? boiling?In leads or oils? Do you even know? I was still the same waist size since high school. It rides on the bus with me to work. No more walking over bridges. They hook me up to a machine and take turns running electrical currents through my stumps. 1 0 obj Why they hate us so much. Youre selfish, do you know that? Type above and press Enter to search. Ive never owned a house. A monologue from the play by John Webster. Because here doesnt care. And when he came to finish me, I couldnt look him in the eye. Increasing thoughts about death just seemed to come over me. And we go through the same routine every time. Its the fact that youre never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you. Which means that the promise of civil rights has never been fulfilled. I know! He cant see past his nose. I think cities have weakened us as a species. Im not finished! A monologue from the play by Lynn Nottage.

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