my dream job is flight attendant becausemy dream job is flight attendant because

my dream job is flight attendant because my dream job is flight attendant because

At one point I thought about becoming a pilot since being a minority or being a woman really helps the odds, but then I thought, Why? 100. The Top 100 Reasons Why People become Flight Attendants. 2. I am a very giving and caring person. It has always been a dream of mine since I was a child. I have very good people skills. 90. I still have a lot of advice to give, so Ill continue posting flight attendant content on the blog. The most common. 25. It was all I had. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your 42. But eventually my schedule evened out and now I hold 20 days off. 99. My people skills would be a valuable asset to the airline., I want to become a flight attendant because it is a job that combines my two passions: customer service and flying. Answering this question effectively will demonstrate that you have the right motivation to become a flight attendant and understand the job. to help you write a unique paper. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; 64. I want to travel the world while helping people. If you were only expected to serve chicken or beef, the airline would simply hire a bunch of waiters and waitresses. I have a wonderful personality. I also like meeting new people from all around the world and learning new things. I have dreamt about it. Through all the craziness of post-covid recovery, routes, and alot more, I've developed the mentality that I want to make everyone's flight the best I possibly can. 52. So I definitely had my hey day and WORKED IT. Now that the children are grown, I have the opportunity to go for it. I have to take this advice too. 81. I am repeating the advice my therapist gave me. You can pour a coke, say sorry, refer people to customer service number or website and nothing more. I started in this industry middle 20s. I know that if I become a Flight Attendant I would be able to do that as part of my career. I really think I have a lot to offer this career, and also its the best way to see the world and meet many new wonderful people and has amazing experiences,. Save to my list. You can make 80K if you work hard and kill yourself but after taxes and medical youre taking home 50K. And yes, youll miss holidays. What job did you have before this? I have always had a passion for traveling the world. I absolutely detest it and make myself sick the day before my trip, and sometimes as I drive to work I cry. Change is scary, but thats okay! We are just numbers in this job, so if you need time off get a doctor to write you out for medical reasons (mental health, back pain, anxiety) and take a break. Im on the verge of quitting my major airline. As cabin crew you are so qualified for this job and you don't even know it! It's not as exciting the locations we go to anymore, and alot of friends, co-workers and people who I believed where born for the job left and pursued different paths. So people think it is cool that you fly places, but when it comes to real world experience of skills, technical skills, knowledge, and how you can benefit a company you dont have any. Even though a lot of flight attendants were furloughed and some chose to leave their jobs, I never thought I would leave. I have been a stay at home mom for 24 years & now my children are 18 & 24 years old so it time for me to do something for myself. Press J to jump to the feed. People were really scared of the virus, each other, and the possibility of getting sick. Im tired, wilting, all of the above I have a great schedule but I cant stomach another flight. Although I'd dreamt of being a flight attendant, I never really thought it was something I could achieve and then I did. For people who love this job and say, Oh but I work so little per month, they are wrong. So I feel that this occupation will be suited well for me with my love for a flying career and assisting others. I applied to jobs that would pay less than I make now out of desperation to just stop flying. 7. (2017, Apr 02). Format your resume like a professional. I know that this job opportunity is available, its just up to me to go for it. We work 13-hour duty days (max 15.01), have long airport sits (3-5 hours), and spend 72-hours away from home on a three-day trip to be paid for 16-18-hours. After all, What do you do? is usually one of the very first questions you ask someone when you meet. Ive always wanted to become a flight attendant because I LOVE being in the air. 1. my dream job is flight attendant because. One person will be too hot. 9. assume youre on board with our. This will aptly hone my interpersonal skills. When your pairing list comes out, take a hard look at everything available and see how many of the routes are good enough to earn you minimal days of work. That's not a bad thing, we are always changing our minds and maybe, just maybe my dream job is not going be the same 10 or 20 . I dont know what kind of more soul searching I need to take the leap of seeing if Id be happier doing something else. It can be hard to get hired or rehired. I would like to travel and see different places now! Also, your weight needs to be in proportion to your . I also was class 1602 and had a freaking epic on-board. The people are great, everyday is different but I think I just need more. I have 5 and a half years under my belt (so the seniority finally feels worth something) but the job just isnt what it used to be. There is nothing worse than physical work that exhausts you, so my idea of an ideal job is neither an extremely active work, nor a sedentary job, but something in between. Coming from an acting and customer service background, human interactions have been my bread and butter, but I did have to shift my mental outlook on what this job was for me, to how I can improve it as the job is today, without the thrills of overseas layovers, or spending the day on a beach in Cancun on the companies dime. 86. That definitely wasn't something I expected when I started my dream job, but it was the reality of the situation. Even though I only had a month of pre-pandemic flying time, things definitely got harder once the pandemic hit. This is one thing Ive been talking about all my life. Although I got my degree in that field it is not a place I want to be in again. I want to get the experience to meet people from around the globe, get to learn about different culture, languages and just to see the world in a whole different aspect would be one of the best decisions and opportunities I ever made and had. Explore other options but dont stay in the flight attendant world. Now I am a woman of a certain age, looking for another job, because I just dont want to be a Flight Attendant anymore. 50. The flight attendant job is underpaid and absolutely HORRIBLE. It can be really lonely to be flying all the time, and it's difficult to keep up with a social life because your schedule is so unpredictable. Its been a dream that was put on hold for many years, while I raised a family. Stepping away for a bit can help you realize if youre actually over it for good or if youre just burnt out. I leave work after a trip and feel absolutely exhausted mentally and physically. Mention how becoming a flight attendant would allow you to do this on a more regular basis. And you would get to fly to other countries all month long, sometimes with 3-6 day layovers. Now remember that this has been my experience in the industry and it has made me a lifelong FA. Thats my advice. If a girl dreamed of working as a stewardess - such plot shows that she lacks male attention in real life. All I can tell you is that ONLY you can change your path. I was just randomly googling why I quit being a flight attendant. If you have ever travelled by plane, perhaps you think all they do is serve food and drinks. I love flying and traveling. By continuing well I have worked in customer service for many years and understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. Being A Flight Attendant Was My Dream Job Essay, University Of Houston Creative Writing Degree, An Essay On Nelson Mandela, Fresher Sample Covering . Ive been a customer Service for 12yrs as CNA. I am a hard-working person, I always wanted to be a Flight Attendant. But on the inside I was dying. You will become stuck, while still earning crap pay and no work life balance. And as vain as it sounds, having an answer that made people say "Woah! Edit: I always ask this question to people who want to quit and I always get downvoted. I am Marnie 18 years old . I want to experience the world and enjoy the atmosphere while doing so. Your email address will not be published. The first is sending in your application. I excelled. This is the perfect fit for me. Steps to become a flight attendant: Find a job opening or apply to the airline that you are interested in Check that you qualify for the job, do you meet the requirements for this airline? Cabin temperature and food preferences are variables, not constants. The experience would be amazing, and getting away is my ultimate goal of mine. Being a flight attendant is a dream job for many South Korean women. I dont know what the future hold for me but Im excited but also scared for what is coming next because now in the moment Im totally lost . 53. Able to meet the Maldivian employment visa requirements. Then I fell in love with South American Culture and was only doing Layovers in Colombia. I get it; it's a job and not just a way to get free vacations, but this isn't what i had in mind. Compare and contrast this job to another job offer and dont leave if you think you might have regrets about walking away down the line. I can relate with you 100% and I just hit 11-years, and I want to cry. And life gets SO much easier as a LH. Cannot see myself doing anything else. writing your own paper, but remember to Does your ideal job go hand in hand with a high salary then, or do you want to enjoy what you are doing? I have a lot of compassion for others. Which Is More Important: Qality Job or Doing the Job Under Time Limits? It's a city that finds its direction and domination from the wind. And yes, youll miss important dates. My company offers an app and other free resources to speak with a therapist, so you need to get on that quickly. I understand the pressures of traveling. Give it a couple months, no more than a year if you want to truly be sure. As more countries started lifting their COVID restrictions, demand for travel was on the upswing. I started to think about my ideal job, when I was working as a waitress in a hotel in the summertime. I am passionate about any job that I do. Ive had a passion for the hospitality, travel and tourism industry for as long as I can remember and I would be very honored to serve the public in this capacity. But you been here for a while based on your seniority. Again, I tried this for 11-years and I hate it so now I have to try something else. My passion for becoming a stewardess has only increased and its now time to better my future. This has always been my dream job, Ive been a stay at home mom and now its time for my career. , Thank you so much for your comment Keysha! I personally hate it! It's impossible to make everyone happy. as well as other partner offers and accept our. I quit my job as a flight attendant over a month ago . I want to travel the world and get paid for it while meeting and greeting new people. I want a great career that I can be proud of so I can stay at one job. Airlines were hiring again and more flights were being added back to the daily schedules. It has always been a dream of mine since I was a child. Download. So if youre preparing for a job interview as a flight attendant, be sure to read this article! During Covid I got a taste of doing a 9-to-5 job again and it made me so grateful to be a flight attendant. Its an exciting career for me to have and goes perfectly with my lifestyle. Im like a bird being stationed in one place is hard for me when there is so much for me to see. 38. You have to give up some of your time, which we know we dont have a lot, to get to a better place. Becoming a flight attendant may be a perfect choice if youre looking for a career that offers travel and excitement. Being able to travel & get paid while meeting new people would be a dream come true for me. 59. They want to know if you understand what the job entails and if youre excited about the prospect of working as a flight attendant. Any good thoughts on that? With this career, I will get the opportunity to interact with diverse people and address their needs. There are many career options for both of us, but we have to just find what we want and try it out and if it doesnt work we can try another career. We hope this article helped provide some tips on answering the question Why you want to be a flight attendant? effectively. 63. M personal advice is DO NOT waste your time as a flight attendant for too many years. I need a change in my life and this was something I wanted to do before I got married. Its a better opportunity than the job I have now. 13. I wish people realized that we're there for the safety and security of the plane and its passengers. We will also provide an example of a great answer to this question. I want to experience something different with my life. tony bloom starlizard. But those with plenty of exciting and good routes make it enjoying and getting your days off are more likely. I also have excellent people skills, which would be beneficial in dealing with passengers.. Im a nurse now and Im 49 I want a career change and I feel this is the right time for me to do so. Since I graduated high school, being a flight attendant is all I ever dreamed about! A fulltime employee at a regular job is gone to work 40 to maybe 50 hours a week, but we are gone 72 hours in one three day. With that said, abuse their mental health program do a therapy session weekly or twice a week. Lets be real, we couldnt afford to live just working one three day trip per week, so I usually do a three day and a two day or a one day so I average being away from home well over 320 to 350 hours per month. I feel bad because I feel like us slightly more senior people are always lying to these newbies and saying that things get better when really it doesnt. I can explore different things while enjoying this career. I think I could be useful and help people be as comfortable as possible and at ease while they are getting to their destination. 12. This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with a flight attendant for a major American airline. I could keep my job, working when it was convenient for me, all while creating a new life in a faraway country. Maybe take a manager job for a little to get off the plane? I want to become more of a worldly person. I like customer service and traveling. Emphasize your people skills:Since flight attendants have to deal with many people, its important to highlight your people skills. Do you want to move up in the company? So if youre preparing for a job interview as a flight attendant, be sure to keep these tips in mind! The adjustment process into non-airline life is difficult and takes a bit of time, but hopefully youll still be able to get a taste of it with your husbands job! Thanks for your comment. Higher demand for flights means higher demand for flight attendants meaning no more leaves of absence offered by my airline. Alas, all good things must come to an end. I want to live outside of my comfort zone and experience new beginnings. Later on, getting older, you also start to consider the money you earn in a job and suddenly, not only you want to become a doctor, a lawyer or a superstar. 11-08-2019 08:53 AM Stacialynn New Arrival My whole life I dreamed of being an airline stewardess. Few people like girls immersed in their world, estranged from reality. 94. If you are not prepared to do what you want because of lack of education then return to school part-time. Its always been something I wanted to do but never had the courage to actually do it, until now because I feel compelled to make it happen. In order to land your dream flight attendant job, working for that airline, it is important to have a clean, impressive, and detailed resume. Customers understood that if they were flying, they had to comply with the mask mandate. I know that working for your airline would be an excellent opportunity to develop my career.. I might just be a gardener but I got a good solid 5 year relationship with most the world thats priceless and even know its hard to put on my resume to go anywhere towards a career so Im glad I didnt wait another five years. Ive been a stay at home mom and its time for a career. Ive also been traveling the world for the past 6 years. My company is the wealthiest of the major 3 airlines in the USA, but the flight attendants dont ever see that money. As flight attendants work with customers regularly, it is important to demonstrate that you have control over your emotions and can properly handle an angry customer while remaining calm and civil. This has forever been a dream of mine. Ive already bought flights to come back to the USA for the summer and I expect to do a fair bit of traveling while Im there. 74. 87. Flight attendants experience frequent travel as part of their job duties. It's not easy to be a flight attendant. 2. Just think deeply about it. Every skill I have is helpful as a flight attendant, and I love it. Why was it originally your dream? I have no one to hold me back. It might take some time to adjust, but the opportunities are out there. Are you excited about the opportunity to see new places? It would be an exciting and fulfilling career that I would be proud to pursue. But I miss having a set schedule and a social life. Im 51 and want to live a different life. I also havent done another career and have no other skills than being a flight attendant. boeing 767 patriot express. Photo Credit: Cathay Pacific 6. Depending on their schedule, they may be able to take time to explore destination locations before their next flight begins or during layovers. My Dream Job "Flight Attendant". There are so many tough things about this career, I feel ya. There are hundreds of bits of information and steps in the hiring process, therefore, it is best to have the training and a guide to help you successfully gain the experience and get through the hiring process to land your dream job. It does get better !!! For more information, please see our As for me, I dont want to return to my previous career. I have a wonderful personality I get along well with others, Im a team player and I believe I have the communication skills to be great at this job. I must admit, people love me too. And as I speak more than one language I'm always making announcements and as such I put as much flare and fun into them to make it seem like people are at a theme park and the thanks, and compliments I receive at the end of the flights is all I need to keep going. A hiring manager is not going to hire you if your resume is sloppy and poorly formatted. I started flying in July and it's a great fit for my unusual lifestyle and personality but I can easily see how it would be a hellscape for a lot of people. Follow me on Tiktok: @torithevampire Tori Lindsey through link below: htt. 21. I really appreciate your story ! For the most part they are single, cant have healthy relationships, lots of drinking, lots of affairs, lots of disconnects with he world, and they cant afford to pay their bills because the airlines dont pay them adequately. You are over socialized on the plane and then you are thrown into a hotel room to be by yourself in your thoughts. From dream job to heartbreak Madden became a Southwest flight attendant at age 64 after several other careers, including real estate and paralegal services. 23. Am I better prepared today for my dream career? 1. Some nurses work behind the scenes like with insurance claims departments, approving or denying medical claims, but in order to get there you do need your RN license. Work got tougher (crazy rosters ) , more flying hours , sleepless nights and non stop back and shoulder pain etc . My current roommate is moving to pursue her dream job of being a flight attendant. As we are living in a country with the . It was almost like we didn't know any better, so we were able to cope with how strange our jobs became. I enjoy traveling and making people smile by helping them in any way possible. my dream job is flight attendant because. 85. Sam Rowley Year 11 VCAL English Friday, 29 th November 2013. I have a good relationship with the people I meet. Heres the thing: I never thought I would become the type of person to actively mourn the loss of a job. I have a confession to make for the last few years, Ive been living a double life. Im confident I have the people skills required to be a successful flight attendant. What made you want to leave that industry in the first place? I love to travel and explore new places, and becoming a flight attendant would allow me to do this regularly. Only you know what you like, what you want to do, what you can do. Also, because having an essay writer on your team who's ready to come to homework rescue saves a great deal of trouble. The mandate definitely got a lot better as time went on, because I think people just got used to the way things were. Im ready to move forward in my life. Everyone has a purpose in life and being a Flight Attendant is where I belong now. I like to interact with people, I am very good at being calm, and working under stress. Flight attendant jobs are one of the highest demand jobs a person can apply to. Retrieved from Things started getting more stressful towards the end of 2021. I see all the shit my coworkers have been dealing with lately and it makes me grateful that I dont have to deal with it anymore. For a few months, I made it work by using every available option to drop days. For years, I was the girl that worked on airplanes. Not everyone in a group will be in a good mood, so just do your best and let the negative go. But thats why the flight attendant lifestyle was so alluring the flexibility and amount of time off allowed me to do the things I really wanted to do. Quitting this job doesnt mean I wont ever be able to travel again. 62. It doesnt matter how much research you do, at the end of the day some people get into this unique job and into a situation theyve never been in before and realize it doesnt suit them. report, My Dream Job Flight Attendant. It is absolute abuse and makes you question, Why did I do this? Making $4,000 a month (take home) after working 120-hour month is exploitation. We work even more per month than the average person. I understand the 9-5 work life isnt for everyone, but neither is the flight attendant schedule. Ive applied for residency, so hopefully that gets approved sometime soon. 97. May I ask what airlines are leisure? I'd say stick it out until you know for sure what you want. I love helping others with their needs. I have great people skills and love working with the public. Im still living my best life in New Zealand. I would love to be a flight attendant because Id love a career where my smile and hospitality matters. Will I regret the decision to quit in the future? As much as I wanted to make it work, this lifestyle was unsustainable and stress-inducing in the long term. I am 18 years old. And because of that I quit my job as a flight attendant. The jobs Ive had so far have not been fulfilling enough, I think this one will be. Im sorry youre going through that too, it really sucks especially since the job has changed sooo much (for the worse) since we started. I love to travel to different cities and I also love helping others, Becoming a flight attendant is a way for me to do both. You may not agree with me, but I think that as long as you enjoy your activities earning little money, you can call the work your dream job. Because I enjoy working with people and Im so passionate about travel, this is a wonderful way to blend my two interests together and see where it takes me. The companies dont care about us. Some people still rolled their eyes when we asked them to put on their masks, but usually they did what we asked. A lot of coworkers commit suicide are depressed and are lonely. I think absolutely the biggest part for me was an identity crisis. 1. Some of my closest friends are in this industry as well. This has been my dream my whole life. 82. Good luck! Roman Babakin/Shutterstock South Korea 's youth unemployment is. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism from this job we can get more knowledge of diffrent languages. I know that working for your airline would be an excellent opportunity to develop my career., I want to be a flight attendant because it is a job that would allow me to travel and see the world. They'll do a background check, give you a. I got in with a Leisure Airline, and though the training was incredibly difficult and stressful, I felt rewarded when I was given flights to the UK, Italy, Hungary, and Portugal within my first few months and it left me with a passion for travelling. 67. Wow, the last 2 comments hit hard. I thoroughly googled the pros and cons, and watched as many videos as possible to prepare for this job. Ive decided that now is that day. ). I feel one of the luckiest people on the earth when Im on the aircraft!! Your job is way more than that and you'll be expected to excel in every aspect of . Ive been contemplating quitting flying for a bit now. or Why a flight attendant? 8. We just want the added seniority from them sticking around. I take my job seriously so I know I can do this. I dont particularly dream of labor (and never have). Essay, Pages 5 (1129 words) Views. Can you do an office job in Inflight? . Receiving a pleasant flight with everything handled is a great feeling I want to give to others. My previous job was 50% team projects, and I am excited to continue that kind of teamwork and open communication here. I enjoy traveling and entertaining people. I believe becoming a flight attendant would fit my skill set. Becoming a cabin crew is a dream for someone who desires to explore the world while getting paid to do it. So much so that I did a google search for others feeling the same. When I talked with my high school career counselor, this was the career I decided was the best fit for me. Its been a dream for a long time and I finally have time to do it. To me, this would be the most exciting experience any job could offer. Elena t.G. Circumstances change, and sometimes your preconceived notions of the future are shattered to make way for something even better. 45. Explain why you're a good fit for the company. The ideal job I have in my mind is being a flight attendant. Its not easy, but even 4years later, it is still my dream job, and the best career Ive had. But this job is so freaking amazing and it only gets better, just gotta give it time. I miss having weekends off and seeing my friends and family and having some sort of normalcy and routine. I definitely want to be able to have a career I would like and enjoy. I dont want to pack my stuff the day before a trip, to drive to the airport, to go through KCM, to be random, to report, to brief, to fly aimlessly around. I am currently a Flight attendant for one of the big US airlines and have been flying for close to ten years. Example: "At my previous job, I often worked with customers that were not happy with the level of service they received. Another flight attendant, who did not want to be named, told Insider: "This was supposed to be a dream job for a lot of us, but we are living a nightmare. Now I simply prioritize the mood and interactions I can create with individuals on they flights. Traveling has always been a love of mine and working in the air has always been a dream of mine. keene, ca haunted hospital; ripley county drug bust; riverside county property tax due dates 2021; delaware county daily times archives; Gelito Coffee Jelly. Please talk about the challenges that appeal to you:Its also important to show that you understand the responsibilities of a flight attendant. My Dream Job Flight Attendant Essay, New Anvil Guide Research Paper Writing Pdf, Custom School Phd Essay Samples, Example Of How To Write Application Letter For . The situation has mentally escalated to the point where I seriously think of just crashing my car so I can just call off work as Im driving there. A great team is flexible and supportive and if things went wrong everybody should remain positive to find an immediate solution." Q11. Hang in there. Im very good with people, I think this will be something great for me. This job is certainly not what it once was.

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my dream job is flight attendant because

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