why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorcewhy did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce

why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce

Pickles reluctantly takes back the ring saying that she supposes they could put it behind them if it only happened one time. He says if she told her that, he would have listened. Princess Carolyn prepares to calls a cleaning service, while Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter take care of their foul-smelling clothes. Meanwhile, at MBN, Pinky reveals he got promoted to head of programming, as Wanda left MBN and got hired by another network and moved to Detroit. Mr. Peanutbutter starts to say they should set a date for the wedding but he is interrupted by Pickles telling him about the job opportunity with Joey Pogo. Wanda tells him in a threatening tone that this is network television, so all their show's problems must be wrapped up in under half an hour, and the people want resolution. Diane is upset because she has to explain her costume to everyone over and over. He tells her the whole thing is rotten. Diane is afraid of not finding happiness and thought it might be best to get those fleeting moments of joy that Mr. Peanutbutter can offer. She goes through a brutal divorce with Mr. Peanutbutter, a loving relationship the audience has to watch slowly unravel from season 1 to season 5. As he talks to Princess Carolyn, a boom operator flips Mr. Peanutbutter the bird, as he walks past him, and Donna throws a scarf at Mr. Peanutbutters face. Mr. Peanutbutter says now that he's single he's finally learning to be himself. Princess Carolyn tells him that she needs to get home to her new baby and Mr. Peanutbutter congratulates her on the new baby saying that it could be a movie idea, but Princess Carolyn leaves anyway. Mr. Peanutbutter says that the only thing hes interested in is making things even between him and Pickles. BoJack tells the production assistant to write all this down. He tells Diane that he keeps taking amazing women and ruining them. As Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles eat a large plate of spaghetti together, they both start to confess things that they'd normally not say on a date. Although off-screen, BoJack then reminds Mr. Peanutbutter that he was in a rehab facility, and Mr. Peanutbutter subsequently leaves. The "D" incident inspired the film Mr. Peanutbutter's Hollywoo Heist, directed by Quentin Tarantulino. Princess Carolyn approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and she is confused when she spots Joey Pogo driving through the set. In The New Client, Mr. Peanutbutter is with Princess Carolyn andFlea Daniels reviewing a scene for his upcoming movie Birthday Dad. After learning the truth, they agree . The sun hits a blimp promoting Secretariat, which has the mirror design BoJack insisted on in Stop the Presses, and it begins to heat up the water and boil the pasta. In The Light Bulb Scene, BoJack finishes the scene he started shooting earlier from Philbert, but afterward, he tries to express concern to Flip about his character. She brings up that now that they are in a new tax bracket, maybe they should pay attention more to how the government is using their money. We learn valuable lessons through their antics, and they remind us how imperfect we are as humans and how heavily our own thoughts can affect us. Mr. Peanutbutter starts talking to BoJack, and after Diane talks to Mr. Peanutbutter he thinks she's in New York too, but quickly tells her he's not accusing her and that he feels better when he knows where she is. Pickles is getting annoyed he keeps bringing up all his ex-wives. She states she doesn't want Mr. Peanutbutter to be governor because she thinks he would be bad at it. Mr. Peanutbutter would continue to do this every yeardespite BoJack hating the parties, although he would always get extremely drunk by the end and would always tell the leaving guests to do it again next year. BoJack replies officially it's breaking and entering but he believes it's kind of for everything. Mr. Peanutbutter questions if he thought Princess Carolyn would marry BoJack. Mrpeanutbutter does need to stop and think about his actions before he does them. Mr. Peanutbutter asks BoJack if he's ready to go. The reporters then bring their attention back to Sarah Lynn and BoJack's relationship with her and whether it was inappropriate. On the set of Birthday Dad, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming a scene and he gets his lines wrong. BoJack later shows up at Mr. Peanutbutter's house after losing his home. BoJack goes on to tell Mr. Peanutbutter that he might believe hes being selfless by not confessing his guilt, but bottling it up makes everything worse because the guilt will eventually come out in other ways and it will negatively impact everything. Pickles then says that can only happen if she also sleeps with someone else. Mr. Peanutbutter says he's pretty sure they hate each other. Princess Carolyn thinks for a moment as Mr. Peanutbutter's lawn is destroyed by the fire, and she comes up with the false story that Mr. Peanutbutter got rid of the lawn and replaced it with drought-resistant landscaping. He attended Northwestern University. After they calm down, Diane says she thinks their marriage is like a magic eye poster, as at first glance, it's messy and doesn't make sense, but if you squint hard enough, everything lines up. Mr. Peanutbutter says they need to think of someone. He also doesn't like baths and gets scared when there are strangers in his yard. He cheerfully says, "I like that guy!". Mr. Peanutbutter says that he does, and Audrey splashes it on his face instead, and Mr. Peanutbutter tells Donna that he needs a new scarf. Whenever she said something, Mr. Peanutbutter would stop himself from verbally replying, only responding to what Pickles says by nodding his head, and replied verbally when Pickles wanted an answer from him on how to make things right. He proposes to her in the season 5 finale to avoid telling her he cheated on her with Diane. Ralph, who is very wealthy as he is a Stilton, sets up an interview for Diane with his younger sister, Stefani Stilton, for her feminist blog website Girl Croosh. A little while later while Mr. Peanutbutter looks through a script while on the set of Birthday Dad, Princess Carolyn approaches him and shows him a meme she made about Mr. Peanutbutter entitled sad dog" and the different variants of it. Mr. Peanutbutter shows the latter problem after he cheats on Pickles by sleeping with Dianeand he asks her to break the news to Pickles, which Diane rightfully refuses to do. In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, Mr. Peanutbutter is explaining to Pickles and Joey Pogo his plan for getting even with Pickles so that Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles can get married. BoJack then calls Vance who answers the phone and sounds excited to hear from him. In INT. She's sad because she thinks things will go back to normal the next day. Pickles then suggest sleeping with both Buzzy and Tyler from Soul Cycle. Just then, Mr. Peanutbutter gets a text from Pickles saying they have broken up forever. She runs into BoJack, and the two are tense around each other now due to the submarine scene Diane wrote for BoJack in the previous episode. Mr. Peanutbutter naively believes Todd is actually there to apply to be his personal driver and hires Todd after an impromptu interview. He immediately guesses what Diane's costume too, and in an annoyed tone asks what she wants. In Zos and Zeldas, Diane's ex-boyfriend Wayne follows Mr. Peanutbutter as he claims he is writing a Buzzfeed article on him. Pickles agrees with Mrs. Captain Peanutbutters sentiments saying that every time she gets trapped in a conversation with Captain Peanutbutter she thinks if she was married to him she would "gnaw her hand off just to get the ring off her body." Mr. Peanutbutter continues on to say he knows when he was in a relationship with Diane he wouldn't really listen to her and he apologizes for that. When Mr. Peanutbutter is commended for destigmatizing mental illness, he comments that it all worked out depressingly.". Mr. Peanutbutter then tells her he went to see his doctor in order see if he could make him feel better. Mr. Peanutbutter begins Season 2 by wearing a dog cone, after having to get stitches in his arm after punching a mirror while he was drunk; as he thought his reflection another dog. When Diane asks if he really wants her to go, he somberly says "Why does it suddenly matter what I want? Mr. Peanutbutter says he wants every day to be a happy one because they don't have many days left. BoJack is deflated, but Mr. Peanutbutter accidentally mentions afterward Todd's desire to not nominate BoJack and ends the conversation by promising him "none of this matters" and leaving. He doesn't seem to take into mind their individual personalities and needs. He proposes to Diane, and she accepts. The next morning BoJack wakes up to Mr. Peanutbutter cooking breakfast. Later, at Elefante, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles he needs to talk to her, which upsets her, but she assures him whatever happensshe wont stop loving him. Like real-life dogs, he can't eat chocolate (it's poisonous to them), watch fireworks or listen to loud noises (dogs have sensitive ears). Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles to keep having sex with guys until she finds someone with whom she has an intimate connection. In BoJack the Feminist, Mr. Peanutbutter is hosting the red carpet at the Forgivies. Pickles then pulls Mr. Peanutbutter aside saying she needs to talk to him. Max tells him Pickles flirts with Joey and follows him across the restaurant. Mr. Peanutbutter then gets back in the car and BoJack tells him he wants to go back to prison as he doesn't feel like he can be around people. Meanwhile, Todd calls Mr. Peanutbutter again and tells him that his idea to start including male customers was a success, loving the safe spaces for women more than the women themselves. He goes outside where his wife Katrina, who's dressed as Blossom, is very cheerful and happily married to him. ; The Alcoholic: Briefly, after returning from Cordovia and crashing at BoJack's, Diane devolves into a drunken mess as a way to cope with the horrors she saw in the derelict country, fear of confronting Mr. Peanutbutter about the state of their marriage and shame of having "abandoned . Reply aeruin Additional comment actions True! Princess Carolyn gets ready to drive over, to help them, while telling them not to enter the house. In BoJack Kills Diane heads outside for a smoke break before they leave. Mr. Peanutbutter asks when he's getting out for real and BoJack responds that it'll be a few months. Max says sure he puts on a good front and puts up a good fight but if Pickles were to confess her love it would drop his heart down an elevator shaft and bring it back up to his throat. The doctor comes in and tells her blood work is good, but not to do any more drugs in the time being because she's pregnant. He reveals Diane told him, and BoJack in general being mean to him, despite him just wanting to be his friend. Diane felt pressured to act like she loved parties and socializing and to live up to his "fun" ex-wives, insisting to Mr. Peanutbutter she was having fun when he asked if she was OK. Diane says she isn't jealous either and leaves. Mr. Peanutbutter says okay, but she has to come, and she agrees to come if he has the divorce papers. Diane goes to the party alone but runs into Todd. He then tells her if she knows someone who would be good for the job to let him know. Mr. Peanutbutter then excused himself as Katrina had her hand down a busboy's pants. BoJack leaves after telling her that her new haircut looks great and Mr. Peanutbutter will love it. He takes out the engagement ring she threw at him earlier and asks if she still wants to marry him. She tells him as Diane can live her life whole life like pieces of a puzzle from different sets. BoJack's plan goes awry, however, when the robbery instead helps Diane reaffirm her love for Mr. Peanutbutter, and they push the wedding to happen within the week. Max counters no she is in love with him even though she'd never admitted it to herself. She takes him outside and uses the toilet paper the house had been covered with by teenagers (including a teenage Todd) to turn him into a mummy. A life of success, wealth, and fame meant Mr. Peanutbutter has never faced any real challenges or had to make difficult decisions, leaving him almost completely inept in the real world. You mean like, like a duel, a duel?" Pickles then says they can keep brainstorming. Later that night, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter toast to their accomplishments, while sitting together in their living room. She started out as fun and cheerful and they were happily married. In Surprise!, after he takes advice from Diane, who was pretending to be his houses thermostat, Mr. Peanutbutter makes more of an effort to talk less and listen more while trying to reconcile with Pickles. Whereas in other relationships she felt like she was "her" in a relationship. BoJack admits it's because he's jealous that Mr. Peanutbutter feels good about himself, and BoJack doesn't know if he'll ever be able to do that. Around this time, he was married to a woman named Katrina. Princess Carolyn freaks out upon seeing that Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter have started a fire outside. Mr. Peanutbutter heads into the kitchen where he finds out the dishwashers all quit. When Mr. Peanutbutter hears Ruthie knock over a lamp he says that he hears the note and he will be back with her drink. Let's Find Out! Mr. Peanutbutter jumps out of the pool and goes to talk to her, saying the conga line leader led them all into the pool. Todd is enthusiastic about the idea, due to being high on marijuana. He's glad he knows she hates parties and they won't ever have that argument ever again. He tells her Mr. Peanutbutter is a "Zelda," and he and Diane are "Zos," and that when she realizes that to call him. I like your analysis more. He goes on to say they want to help him share his story with the world much Mr. Peanutbutters surprise. When Pickles tells him thats silly, she yells for the lights to turn on and Mr. Peanutbutter blurts out that he cheated on her. Mr. Peanutbutter gets ready to talk to the reporters but he is interrupted by Joey telling him about a situation in the kitchen. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. To his disgust, it's his cold ex-wife, Katrina. When Pickles reasons that she should tell her friend Ilana about Mr. Peanutbutter cheating on her, Mr. Peanutbutter begs her not to tell the Ilanas and Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that shes going to tell everybody because shes a Gemini. Todd reluctantly agrees. Sometime later, Mr. Peanutbutter, Princess Carolyn, and Karen Kitada are in a meeting with Pinky Penguin trying to pitch Birthday Dad as a TV show and Pinky Penguin takes it. In reality, he's actually on the Philbert set. While playing with his coin sorter, Mr. Peanutbutter says he wishes he can throw his problems in the coin sorter, and have it sorted all out for him. Mr. Peanutbutter thinks it's a wonderful idea and tells Oxnard to put all his money into spaghetti strainers, to Oxnard's dismay. Disaster Dominoes: BoJack's Halloween parties inevitably seem to be the tipping point where Mr. Peanutbutter's relationships start falling apart, but the one with Jessica Biel takes the cake. Pickles goes on to say if they carry on like before, and pretend nothing happened shes going to feel stupid, saying that they cant just go back and Mr. Peanutbutter nods his head in silent agreement. Mr. Peanutbutter sounds shocked at the idea of her sleeping with two people. Todd then learns from a personal conversation with Mr. Peanutbutter that he has doubts about his marriage to Diane. Joey then reveals himself to be hanging by a clothes hanger inside the hotel room closet, giving Mr. Peanutbutter an idea. Mr. Peanutbutter asks her what it's like to be Diane. Diane says that at first you don't trust it but then gradually you do. This angers Mr. Peanutbutter and he interrupts the show to have BoJack sit across from him as he confronts him about kissing Diane. Mr. Peanutbutter then says he went to college in Chicago and Diane tells him Northwestern is not in Chicago. After Woodchuck says during a press conference that if a state senator was willing to actually petition for an amendment to the constitution that would democratically allow him to bid his governor title on a ski race, then he would accept the challenge. But i also can't imagine what would happen to them after the fact. He tries to be tough again but it doesn't work out again. Mr. Peanutbutter announces the nominees and he and Todd flee back to his house. The two drive home, acting awkward about talking about the baby, although they had always agreed that they didn't want kids. When Doctor Champ tells Mr. Peanutbutter that they dont interrupt others while sharing, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Doctor Champ that he was just looking for a little context, and BoJack sarcastically tells Mr. Peanutbutter to look for the context in his car. Mr. Peanutbutter tells him that if their women don't feel safe in that space, then they need to find new women. BoJack then asks what about breakfast and Mr. Peanutbutter tells him they don't have time for that and BoJack can feed him on the way. Joey then talks about boarding his plane alone to go on tour and says his gate number so he doesn't forget it as he leaves. While sitting in a circle listening to Doug tell a story about lying, cheating, and stealing, Mr. Peanutbutter asks if Doug ever told his wife about the cheating. At the desert, an upset Pickles doesn't want to sit on the blanket with Mr. Peanutbutter. He quickly apologizes and tells her he has to go for a walk. Not only is he constantly positive, but he is also a bonehead who has difficulty understanding metaphors or puns. BoJack Horseman had feelings for Diane Nguyen (voiced by Alison Brie) throughout all five seasons of the show but never once did he actually get the chance to be with her. BoJack is annoyed Daniel keeps getting easy questions and the game is essentially set up in his favor, and thinks Mr. Peanutbutter is being a "dick.". Mr. Peanutbutter says she didn't, and that he loves her and wants to know the real her. Todd says he's tired that BoJack walks over everybody, but still gets what he wants, as something BoJack did that involved Emily that made her leave Cabracadabra. In 2007, he starred in an underseas commercial for Seaborn Seahorse Milk, which became popular and is still aired in the present day as seen in Fish Out Of Water and in What Time Is It Right Now, where two fish people recognize Mr. Peanutbutter for it. Mr. Peanutbutter then remarks Diane is indeed a true Chicagoan. Pickles questions why not and Joey tells her he has a hard time because he has trouble finding someone who gets his brand. She nervously sings the theme song. Before leaving, Jessica asked Mr. Peanutbutter to not let her see any mummies, as she had a traumatic past experience relating to them. Mr. Peanutbutter goes on to say even if he had his assistance it wouldnt be of much use because his representatives assistants went on strike as well. She assures him she'll call him if she's out late, and that she's probably not going to have a good time and she's only doing it for work. Katrina replaced him as a candidate with Jessica Biel (his other ex-wife), who went on to lose to Woodchuck. She Got a Haircut They go into their living room and he says he waits all day for her to come home. Todd takes Mr. Peanutbutter to the baddest bar in Hollywoo, where the paparazzi birds are waiting outside. Later, at their house, Diane explains to Mr. Peanutbutter that it's hard for her to talk about her feelings because she didn't have the support growing up as he did. Mr. Peanutbutter challenges Woodchuck to a ski-race, where the winner will be named governor. Diane, who now has a bunch of car keys, is still trying to get her car out and calling people to move their cars. The two hit it off when they meet at a party arranged by Todd, BoJack, in particular, seems to be attracted to Diane, although to his envy and disgust, as he throws up after discovering this, she is dating Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter then admits to Diane that he does get lonely sometimes. Mr. Peanutbutter remarks he sometimes feels relief when he dreams that Diane disappeared from his life. In Start Spreading The News, Mr. Peanutbutter, in a meeting at MBN with Pinky Penguin and J.D. In The Stopped Show, the filming for Season 2 of Philbert has started. A bitter Katrina tells him while he was gone, Ben Stein introduced her to Tim Allen. Mr. Peanutbutter says that he thinks he screwed things up really badly and maybe he should just wait for Pickles to come to him. His wife, Jessica Biel, tells him she meant the movie The Notebook, as she's dressed like Rachel McAdam's character, Allie Hamilton, from the movie. When she changes her mind, he agrees to make Pickles her favorite drink. The two got in a huge argument on whether Tony Curtis was dead, as BoJack's girlfriend Wanda had asked, thus ending the party early after Diane freaked out as she angrily insisted he's dead. Katrina is excited to go to a real Hollywood party with him, but she makes him promise he won't leave her alone. BoJack says his only goal currently is not to screw up this weekend. Mr. Peanutbutter, alone at home, still sad after calling his ill brother, gets a call from Shep Von Trapp, who offers him the role of Oscar nominee announcer. She goes on to say that she noticed it on the night of the Philbert premiere when Mr. Peanutbutter came home late smelling like Diane, and then things went back to normal, but then he started acting weird again shortly before he proposed when he came home smelling like Diane again. Mr. Peanutbutter points out, that BoJack is a damaged person battling a lot of demons, and it would mean a lot to him if they mentioned him. Diane then calls Mr. Peanutbutter on the phone and he sounds excited to hear from her. In the same season, he plays Fritz on Philbert, and he begins dating a young female pug named Pickles Aplenty. Mr. Peanutbutter goes back to Katrina, telling her he got distracted by some guys with an Ouija board. BoJack gets angry at his mockery and tells him Diane went to Cordovia to get away from her failing marriage. Diane suggests he hire a personal driver, and he shortly thereafter catches Todd in the act of planting unspecified incriminating evidence in his computer as part of BoJack's plan. He asks her if she's okay because the other night she left his party crying. The changes to the film become increasingly drastic until the film is canceled altogether when Quentin and Todd decide the story should be told as a "bi-monthly curated box of snacks.". However, she inadvertently encourages him to keep trying when she tells him she thinks he would have been a great governor after he says even though he likes Woodchuck, he still wanted to beat him. Mr. Peanutbutter decided to wander around L.A. in the hope that an opportunity will be handed to him, as most things were just handed to him for little or no work. RELATED: 10 Saddest Episode Endings of BoJack Horseman Mr. Peanutbutter finally admits this is true and apologizes to Diane for being dismissive and not really listening to her throughout their relationship in their phone conversation in Angela. I'm asking because i can't really imagine any other way. Pickles suggests her high school boyfriend Buzzy. Captain Peanutbutter, not long before his surgery, talks him into doing it despite his melancholy; saying he'll call him later. Diane pretends to still be in Cordovia whenever she calls him. Diane says she probably lost her wallet. However, Joey brings up that he heard people who seem happy are the most depressed. She says that he keeps dating women in their twenties, so they aren't fully formed yethe doesn't ruin them they just grow up. She says she asked one thing from him, and he never listens. In fact, it's because of Mr. Peanutbutter's compulsively supportive habits (and questionable intelligence) that BoJack is able to snag his dream role as Secretariat. Diane gained massive backlash over bringing up these details, despite the fact they had been public for years, as Hank is beloved and as a result, no one wants to believe he is capable of doing bad things. He has the capital to start them despite never following through with them. In Surprise!, it is shown that sometime after Mr. Peanutbutter asked Pickles to move in with him, Pickles live streams a video showing off the house and Mr. Peanutbutter shows off the thunder room. When Mr. Peanutbutter hears her crying from downstairs he decides to go talk to her and runs upstairs while everyone except Princess Carolyn, Todd, and Ruthie quickly leave the house. Mr. Peanutbutter is standing outside the bathroom, trying to get Pickles to come out. Stefani then emphasizes that Mr. Peanutbutter will probably not listen to Diane, as usual, and that as much as they love each other, he still would never understand her opinion on the matter while she could have actual people read about her thoughts. Diane hates those huge gestures because she feels like it puts pressure on her to do the same, or at least be dazzled by it even if she didn't want it in the first place. Pickles and Joey come to Mr. Peanutbutter's table and they announce that they have developed feelings for each other and are now going to make love. He approaches a rhino smoking a cigarette and tries to get in his face, and he tries his cigarette away. Although it makes Doug cry, Doug admits that he needed to hear it and gives Mr. Peanutbutter a hug and then thanks him. He is five years younger than BoJack, despite looking much younger. They attended BoJack's Halloween Party in 2004, where Jessica wanted them to dress like the lead characters from the movie The Notebook, but Mr. Peanutbutter ends up dressing as an actual notebook.

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