what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwanawhat happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana

what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana

Despite this defeat, he was able to score several victories against the Zulus, culminating in the British victory at the Battle of Ulundi, which ended the war and partly restored his reputation in Britain. But their misjudgement came to rebound on them badly. 4 was to invade Zululand from the Ncome River. Back in England meanwhile - with the Zulu War no nearer to being won - the cries for Chelmsford's recall intensifying. Bottom line is we see people waxing lyrical on the rare Zulu victories but stunning victories won by b rave British soldiers remain anonymous. If the right horns envelopment continued, it could cut the road to Rorkes Drift, and all possible hope of retreat would be gone. After centuries of being attacked the British Empire grew to be the greatest the planet has ever seen. He had no intention of wasting his time fruitlessly scouring the hills and valleys in search of an elusive foe. 12th January 1879 The central column destroys Sihayos camp. The Zulus learned the biggest lesson which was not to take on the Empire which comprehensively defeated the Zulu in every subsequent engagement (Rorkes drift 350 Zulus killed, 500 wounded for only 17 British killed and 15 wounded). A dramatization of the Battle of Isandlwana, where the British Army met its match against the Zulu nation. 4) was led by Col. H.E. After this separate Zulu force had successfully outmanoeuvred the British, Pulleine and his men found themselves attacked on multiple sides. Strict orders were given that special care was to be taken to spare women and children. He spoke darkly of Cetshwayos faithless and cruel character and atrocious barbarity, even though he had never met the king and most of the stories were hearsay. But the redcoat companies were starting to run out of ammunition; they had begun the action with 70 rounds each, but the firing was so rapid that their white ammunition pouches were almost empty. They paid the price. Durnford dismissed his Natal Native Horse and gave them permission to save themselves. [b] The Battle of Ulundi took place on 4 July 1879, being the last major battle of the Anglo-Zulu War. For over 300 years, the coastlines of the English Channel and south west of England were at the mercy of Barbary pirates. 11th February 1879 News of the defeat at Isandlwana reaches London and reinforcements are requested. Around 60 Europeans survived the battle. The troopers could not believe their eyes, because there, sheltering in the valley spread at their feet, was the main Zulu impi. At 8 am a cavalry vedette rode in with some surprising intelligence: A force of Zulu was spotted approaching the plateau moving northeast. Because thats killed only, not wounded. The right flank column (No. A defensive campaign would show the world that the British, not the Zulu, were the true aggressors. . Gat No-249/2 , Plot No -19, Chakan- Talegaon Road,Kharabwadi Industrial Area, Tal-Khed, Pune - 410501; 2018 nets starting lineup [email protected] 9823 845 444; 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM; colorado concert venues; penn radiology abdominal imaging; The Zulus killed and stole from weker Africans to build their Empire as they butchered their way down from Natal. In a letter home, Smith-Dorrien admitted to his father that he afterwards secured a supply of ammunition and spent much of the battle distributing it to the front-line companies. Without orders the impi formed the impondo zankomo, the beasts or buffalos horns. The man to whom this letter was addressed - Sir Bartle Frere - had others ideas, however. In early September, shortly after his return from South Africa, Lord Chelmsford was given an audience with the Queen. The British volleys were still doing terrible execution, and to hearten their comrades some Zulu shouted Nqaka amatshe! (Catch the hailstones! Thank you Mel, for the endorsement of Bulala. All in all Chelmsford was well pleased with the site; it afforded good views to the east, toward Ulundi, where Cetshwayos main impi must be lurking. Chelmsford had fought in South Africa before, and had been instrumental in bringing the Ninth Cape Frontier war to a successful conclusion. There had to be a pretext for starting a war, a cloak to cover naked British aggression. This much is clear to me: viz. Finally, about five miles from Isandlwana, Lonsdale stumbled upon his own 1st Battalion, 3rd Regiment, NNC. [1][2], In May 1855, he left for the Crimean War, in which he served firstly with his battalion, then as aide-de-camp from July 1855 to the commander of the 2nd Division, Lieutenant-General Edwin Markham, and finally as deputy assistant quartermaster general from November 1855 on the staff at Headquarters, being promoted to brevet major. 3. Minerva, I agree with you we were not the only empire but we seem to be the only nation who should feel bad about the past. The British were in the opening stages of a campaign against the Zulu, the most powerful tribe in South Africa, and so far the search for its main impi (army) had been largely in vain. This dangerous mixture of self-confidence and contempt for their foes infected the whole British force. At around 8am, mounted vedettes reported large numbers of Zulus on the high ground to the left of the camp. Lunging, parrying and thrusting, they disappeared into the masses of Zulu warriors. Anyone have any thoughts ?? It only killed four men in our regiment.. In spite of these concerns, Chelmsford raised several regiments of the Natal Native Contingent, or NNC. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pulleine of the 24th Regiment was placed in charge of the camp at Isandlwana, with strict orders to defend the camp if attacked. In essence, confederation would unite all parties and factions and make them subject to the British crown. And Chelmsford ignored at least two warnings to the effect the camp 'was in danger'. The king issued orders for his regiments (ambutho , singular ibutho ) to be called up and readied for war. What Did People Wear in Medieval England? Isandlwana Hill today, with a white cairn in the foreground highlighting a British mass grave. Confident that his modernised army could easily quash Cetshwayos technologically inferior forces, Chelmsford was more worried that the Zulus would avoid fighting him on the open field. As indicated earlier, a plain rolled out to the east of Isandlwana Mount, rocky grass-carpeted ground widened to four miles and running for some eight miles. Find out more about how the BBC is covering the. A wagoner named Dubois remarked to Smith-Dorrien, The game is up. As High Commissioner for South Africa, Sir Henry decided to roll up his sleeves and bring order to the chaos by imposing confederation. His sacrifice opened a small corridor of escape to the Buffalo River at a crossing later known as Fugitives Drift. That any escaped at all was due to the courageous stand of Durnford and his collection of NNH, colonial volunteers and a few men from the 24th. There it set up camp. The following day Pearson is relieved in Eshowe after a two-month siege. An engineer, Durnford had an independent spirit that sometimes brought him into conflict with Chelmsford, a no-nonsense Victorian officer of the old school. Lord Chelmsford, the Commander-in-Chief of British forces during the war, initially planned a five-pronged invasion of Zululand consisting of over 16,500 troops in five columns and designed to encircle the Zulu army and force it to fight as he was concerned that the Zulus would avoid battle, slip around the British and over the Tugela, and strike On 22 January 1879, Chelmsford established a temporary camp for his column near Isandlwana, but neglected to strengthen its defence by encircling his wagons. A and F Companies of the 24th were taken from in front and behind and slaughtered before they could even fix their bayonets. When did the Dutch come to South Africa? By Admin 01/06/2021 Advice. Boers in South Africa before the Zulus? Some decapitated British heads were found neatly arrayed in a circle, and a drummer boy was discovered lashed to a wagon wheel upside down with his throat cut. While undoubtedly brave, for the Zulus to make suicidal frontal assaults against entrenched, disciplined British troops, was unwise, and in defiance of their own kings orders. The Zulus are destroyed and this effectively marks the end of the Anglo-Zulu War. Who were the savages, those who forcibly subjugated other people, or those who were peacefully living in their own country and minding their own business? I think I can guess why. The Victorian public was dumbstruck by the news that 'spear-wielding savages' had defeated the well equipped British Army. At the Battle of Isandlwana Chelmsfords column is defeated and he retreats out of Zulu territory. Politehnica Timioara > News > Uncategorized > what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana. Gwas Inglubi! (Stab the white men! I am not a thief and neither is my country. The defeat of the Zulus at Ulundi allowed Chelmsford to partially recover his military prestige after the disaster at Isandlwana, and he was honoured as a Knight Grand Cross of Bath. About five hundred head of cattle were taken, and the homestead put to the torch. To the Zulu it looked like a clenched fist, but to members of the 24th Regiment it looked like a crouching beast, and bore an uncanny resemblance to the sphinx badge they sported on their collars. Judging from the reports filtering in, it was clear that at least some Zulu were in the northeast, and it was possible they were planning to fall on Chelmsfords rear. The plain was also scarred by one or two dongas (watercourses), and not far away a conical kopje poked up out of the ground. Although the Regiment had indeed established its depot at Brecon in 1873, its recruits continued to be drawn from across the United Kingdom, and only a small proportion were Welsh by 1879. [1] He was the uncle of the actor Ernest Thesiger. The battle lasted 4 hours, and for most of that time the British Firing Line held the Zulus at bay. In the meantime the British were establishing a camp at Isandlwana. They were the Spartans of South Africa. The ultimatum was a legal faade to mask Freres aggression, but the High Commissioner felt the die was cast. Overall, I tend to side with the Zulus. But it had only progressed half a mile when a staff officer rode up with express orders from Chelmsford to resume its original march because the message was a false alarm. An officer on Hamilton-Brownes staff, Captain Duncombe, replied, By orders of the Great White Queen. The exchange was the nearest the Zulu would ever get to a formal declaration of war. Besides, why go to all the trouble when Chelmsford intended to move in a day or two? The British Army's casualties after the sharp but brief engagement was ten killed and eighty-seven wounded, in exchange for nearly sixty times that number of Zulu dead. Last word, however, should go to the Zulus, many of whom mentioned that the British infantry continued to shoot at them until the final stages of the battle. His men hadnt eaten in two days, and he was riding back alone to the main camp at Isandlwana in the hope of procuring some supplies for his famished troops. 29th March 1879 Following the retreat at Hlobane, Colonel Wood sets up a defensive camp at Kambula with his remaining force of 2,000 men. Chelmsford placed these men under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pulleine. What Was the Prelude to the Battle of Isandlwana? Hall 1978 quotes the London Standard reporting 473 counted dead and another 1000 or more wounded. Starting at 1pm, the battle sees over 20,000 Zulus repelled and by 6pm the battle is over with the loss of only 18 British soldiers. As more Zuluambutho from the chestappeared, Pulleine recalled Cavayes and Mostyns companies, which were dangerously exposed. The current Zulu king was Cetshwayo kaMpande, who had been crowned by the British after his fathers death in 1873. After years of domination, enslavement and conquest of many innocent African tribes it was the British who soundly defeated the Zulu and ended their independent nation. 3 column, under what turned out to be the nominal command of Col. R. Glyn, 24th Regiment, was to cross the Mzinyathi (Buffalo) River at Rorkes Drift. Both were posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for their actions and their heroic tale reached mythic proportions back home, resulting in it being relayed in various paintings and artwork. In any case the defense was spread thin, too thin, almost like a sheet of tissue paper. Excellently made. Cinema Specialist . Once Durnford reinforced Isandlwana there would be 67 officers and 1,707 men to guard the camp, a number that Chelmsford deemed more than adequate for the task at handnot that he felt the camp would be in any danger. The origins of the Zulu war can be traced to the machinations of one British diplomat, Sir Henry Bartle Frere. The British believed they were saving Natal from Zulu savagery. Smith-Dorrien survived after many narrow escapes, lived, in fact, to lead British troops as a general in World War I. Lieutenant Smith-Dorrien gathered up the flotsam and jetsam of the campstragglers, officers servants and the likeand organized them into a party to retrieve ammunition. Some distance away Captain Younghusbands C Company was in the midst of his own last stand. Beranda. Total casualties of the Zulu wars were 1727 British killed and well over 6000 Zulus. Having learnt the lesson of Isandlwana, Lord Chelmsford's relief force of 5,500 men easily defeats 12,000 Zulus who fail to get within 30 yards of its heavily fortified wagon laager in southern Zululand. Chelmsford had a seizure and died while playing billiards at the United Service Club in London on 9 April 1905 in his 78th year. No. He had however requested a posting overseas in order to benefit from the cheaper cost of living. One story that circulated widely in the horrific aftermath of the battle was that Lord Chelmsford's men, returning to the devastated camp on the night of the 22nd, had seen 'young drummer boys' of the 24th Regiment hung up on a butcher's scaffold and 'gutted like sheep'. Britain has fought countless battles where they were the underdog, I get tired of judging the actions of people in the past against modern standards. At the time Britain controlled the largest empire the world had ever seen and they were facing an enemy trained in tactics very similar to those of an ancient Roman legion. It was war not cricket, Now I am sorry for being late in this conversation. By 20 January - hampered by minor skirmishes and poor tracks - Chelmsford's column had only advanced 11 miles to the rocky lower slopes of a distinctive, sphinx-like hill called Isandlwana. British volley fire was deadly; few if any warriors had ever experienced anything like it. After a half-hour bombardment by the Royal Artillery, Chelmsford attacked a Zulu army massed at Ulundi, making full use of concentrated small arms fire from Gatling guns and rifles, leading to the destruction of the Zulu force. But Dalton, an ex-NCO, came from what was considered the wrong background, and was ignored for almost a year. what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwanata petro employee handbook what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana. The Battle of Kambula is seen as the turning point into the Anglo-Zulu War. After years of domination, enslavement and conquest of many innocent African tribes it was the British who soundly defeated the Zulu and ended their independent nation. Younghusband then led them up the slopes of Isandlwana itself, instinctively taking the high ground. [10], Lord Chelmsford became lieutenant general in 1882, Lieutenant of the Tower of London (1884 until 1889), colonel of the 4th (West London) Rifle Volunteer Corps (1887), full general (1888), and colonel of the Derbyshire Regiment (1889). The unit was commanded by Maj. Francis Russell, and used Hale rockets that carried an explosive charge of between nine and ten pounds. The Rorke's Drift Men Author: James W Bancroft Publisher: The History Press ISBN: 0750980605 Category : History Languages : en Pages : 224 Get Book. Because of the Sihayo homestead skirmish the central or No. Most of what Chelmsford told the Queen was a pack of lies. Quartermaster Bloomfield was in charge of the reserve ammunition for the 2/24th, represented in camp by only Company G. When bandsmen from 1st Battalion companies tried to get fresh supplies from Bloomfield, he sent them away empty handed. Sorry mate painting the Zulu as no threat is suggesting they were a peaceful culture. This heroic defence was rewarded by Queen Victoria's government with no fewer than 11 Victoria Crosses, and was later immortalised by the film Zulu (1964), directed by Cy Endfield. Altogether it was a mixed group of British regulars, colonial volunteers and native levies. The attack seemed to be going well, when Hamilton-Browne looked around and found to his surprise that almost his entire commandwith the exception of No. Tents were soon erected, white mushrooms springing up in neat white rows some eight hundred yards along the foot of Isandlwana. By the afternoon of the 21st the two units had met not far from the Mangeni River. The commission ruled in favor of the Zulu, but Frere refused to let the tribe occupy the lands before some of his demands were granted first. Chelmsford he had been blamed by many, and even by the Government, for commencing the war without sufficient cause. 23rd January 1879 The right column is besieged within their mission fort near Eshow. Tak Berkategori . He died in 1905, at the age of 78, playing billiards at his club. 7th March The first of the reinforcements from Britain arrive at Durban. Despite the limited defences, the British soldiers equipped with the powerful Martini-Henry rifle stood their ground, firing volley after volley of bullets into the approaching Zulus until their ammunition ran low. In the meantime, the British were entrenched in Cape Colony and Natal. [8] However, he was severely criticised by a subsequent enquiry launched by the British Army into the events that had led to the Isandlwana debacle,[9] and did not serve in the field again. Posted by on iunie 11, 2022 snhu loan disbursement schedule 2021 . Commandant Hamilton-Browne was surprised at the openness of the camp, declaring that someones mad. Captain Duncombe added, Do the staff think we are going to meet an army of schoolgirls? Making camp in the shadow of the rocky promontory, Chelmsford sent out patrols to locate the Zulus. The story of Cecil Rhodes, empire builder and founder of the colonies of Southern and Northern Rhodesia. Alerted as to when a gun was about to fire, the Zulu would cry uMoya! (air!) and fling themselves lengthwise on the grassy ground. The uNidi Corps formed the loins, namely the uThulwana, iNdluyengwe, iNdlonglo and uDloko regiments. Their discovery prevented the camp from being taken by complete surprise. To Sir Henry, South Africa was in chaos, a seething cauldron of national, economic, and racial animosities that might boil over at any time into open conflict. Nevertheless the uKhandempemvu and uMxhapo regiments, among others, were being decimated. He too wanted to laager , but was overruled by Lord Chelmsford. Ulundi was about 70 miles from the border, over primitive tracks that could well be inundated by rain. A British expeditionary force under the command of Chelmsford invaded the Zulu Kingdom, heading in three columns towards the Zulu capital, Ulundi. There was supposedly a lack of screwdrivers in camp as well. The Zulu attackers also suffered they lost somewhere between 1,000 and 2,500 men. Chelmsford thus led a 12,000-strong army divided into three columns into Zululand, despite having received no authorisation from Parliament. He wished to pursue a military career. The Battle of Isandlwana on the 22nd of January 1879 was one of the most devastating defeats suffered by Britain at the hands of local inhabitants. At around 11am on 22 January a British Native Horse contingent discovered some 20,000 Zulus hidden in a valley within seven miles of the lightly-defended British camp. Standing upright amid the rain of bullets, he shouted The Little Branches of Leaves That Extinguished the Great Fire (an honorific title of Cetshwayos) did not order you to do this!. I believe you are mistakenread up on the history properly. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Sihayos homestead was set in a gorge, precipitous hills rising all around. In the missive, Chelmsford shows he was substituting wishful thinking for hard-nosed reality. This dangerous mixture of self-confidence and contempt for their foes infected the whole British force. [a] He was promoted to lieutenant and captain in 1850, and became aide-de-camp in 1852 to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Eglinton, and then to the Commander-in-Chief in Ireland, Sir Edward Blakeney, from 1853 to 1854. The Zulu were protecting the land of Africa, Europeans are vulnerable and bullies by nature.. Debris was everywhere, including half-burned tents, bits of uniforms, smashed boxes and scattered personal effects. A painting of Coghill and Melville attempting to save the Queens Colour of the 1st Battalion 24th Regiment. As for Coghill and Melville, according to the story battered and bruised they reached the far bank of the Buffalo River where they made their final stand. By 3pm, despite severe losses, the Zulus had captured the camp. Cetshwayos main impi, variously estimated at between 20,000 and 25,000 strong, would concentrate its efforts on the central column. At dawn, Chelmsford led 2,500 men and 4 guns out from Isandlwana to track down the Zulu army. The British demanded that Cetshwayo disband his army, permit a British resident to live in Ulundi, surrender Sihayos son to British justice and pay a cattle fine of five hundred head. Seeing Smith-Dorrien breaking some ammunition boxes open, Bloomfield cried, For heavens sake, man, dont take thatit belongs to our Battalion. Smith-Dorrien, frustrated, replied, Hang it all, you dont want a requisition, do you?. [13] He was the inaugural Governor and Commandant of the Church Lads' Brigade, a post he retained until his death. Last updated 2011-02-17. It was as if the very earth had swallowed them. Five Boys were killed at Isandlwana, most of them in the 24ths band, and the youngest was 16 not quite the innocent lads immortalised in sentimental paintings of the time. 'If I am called upon to conduct operations against them,' he wrote in July 1878, 'I shall strive to be in a position to show them how hopelessly inferior they are to us in fighting power, altho' numerically stronger.'. The central column heads towards the camp of a Zulu chief called Sihayo. The Zulu certainly were not cowed, and Russell and six of his men were speared. But one man prospered - Lord Chelmsford. They felt this a prudent course as all of Quebec was held by around 600 regulars and intelligence indicated that the French-speaking population would be favorably inclined towards . It was Cetshwayos principal homestead, which made it a prime target. It will be recalled that Sihayos sons had violated the Natal-Zululand border in search of his adulterous wives, an incident that provided a pretext for the war. Read more. The force was attacked by a Zulu force at Isandlwana, during which the Zulus overran and destroyed the central column of Chelmsford's separated forces. Copyright Historic UK Ltd. Company Registered in England No. There are a number of eye witness accounts by men who had been part of Lord Chelmsford's reconnaissance and who returned to the camp just after the battle of Isandlwana on 22 January 1879, or who had returned later with the various burial and salvage details. Frere was told in no uncertain terms to treat the Zulu with a spirit of forbearance. But Frere was not about to let official disapproval stand in his way; his plans were too far advanced for that. Cetshwayo's policy was to withdraw his troops, remain on the defensive in this unprovoked war, and hope to negotiate. Not knowing what to do or who to turn to, Cetshwayo was paralyzed with indecision. History Hit brings you the stories that shaped the world through our award winning podcast network and an online history channel. Color Sergeant Wolf of the 1/24th, hastily gathered some 20 soldiers near the officers tents and put up a desperate fight until overwhelmed by sheer numbers of Zulu fighters. In any event, as the British forces converged on the homestead, a Zulu voice boomed out a challenge, demanding to know by whose orders they came. Such unilateral action by an imperial pro-consul was not unusual during the Victorian period. Fatalities: 13 Europeans; 1,000 Zulus. It was commanded by the ambitious Lord Chelmsford, a. Durnford, who had been in South Africa since 1872, was one of the few whites who Sir Henrys greatest fear was a Zulu invasion of Natal, and soon his fevered imagination was conjuring images of Cetshwayos man-killing gladiators descending on Natal to slaughter, pillage and rape. Stab the pigs!). The main battle was over by about 1:30 in the afternoon, and the various last stands by 3:30. One of the survivors a lieutenant named Horace Smith-Dorrien, who was destined to become a general in the First World War recalled the reluctance of Quartermaster Edward Bloomfield of the 2nd Battalion, the 24th, to issue ammunition as the battle began. 806Casualties at the Battle of Isandlwana: 52 British officers and 806 non-commissioned ranks were killed. Zulu territory expanded, as did Zulu military prowess, and by 1877 the tribe could muster an impi of around 40,000 or so all told. Around 10:30 am Col. Anthony Durnfords supporting No. But apparently the two men got along and parted amicably. The Queen showered honours on him, promoting him to full general, awarding him the Gold Stick at Court and appointing him Lieutenant of the Tower of London. Arnold Expedition - Background: Following their capture of Fort Ticonderoga in May 1775, Colonels Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen approached the Second Continental Congress with arguments in favor of invading Canada. Commandant George Hamilton-Browne of the 1/3rd NNC went to his tent, only to find his servant dead, his two spare horses slaughteredthey were still tethered to a picket lineand his dog pinned to the ground by a Zulu spear. An 1882 'Illustrated London News' drawing of the aftermath of the battle for Rorke's Drift A Zulu officer by the name of Mkhosana kaMvundlana came on the scene and was disgusted by the sight of so many warriors taking cover. Most bullets would not be fatal, there are stories of the zulu carrying warriors away with them. The little known Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is generally considered to be the shortest war in history, lasting for a grand total of 38 minutes. Encouraged by the pickly line of bayonets to their rear, the NNC timidly advanced. It was a land grab. No excuses please, the better generals won. 1st June 1879 A Zulu impi kills Louis Napoleon, the heir to the French throne. Cant understand why not more Zulus were killed in a 4 hour battle, when the charging Zulus would have made an enormous target that it would have ben difficult to miss. At the same time, another Zulu force was outflanking the British right wing part of their famous buffalo horns formation, designed to encircle and pin the enemy. He propagated the myth that a shortage of ammunition led to defeat at Isandlwana. The idea that native warriors, most of whom were armed only with a spear and shield, could overcome a modern European army was utterly fantasticyet the terrible proof lay all about them. Fighting in the Fog: Who Won the Battle of Barnet? What Does the Ending Mean? The Boer Transvaal Republic became bankrupt, so insolvent it was annexed by Britain in 1877. The Zulus believed they were protecting their sacred lands from foreign invasion. The engagement was an unexpected victory for the Zulus, which threw British war plans into disarray. However, as the battle begins it soon becomes obvious that the main Zulu army of 20,000 are fast approaching over the hills and Wood signals the retreat. Their discipline varied, but their sartorial splendor made up for any lack of formal training. And the responsibility for this lay with Queen Victoria herself. 8 companyhad taken to their heels. what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana. what happened to lord chelmsford after isandlwana. The way of the world was you generally ran an empire or got conquered by one. [1][2], Thesiger returned to England in 1874 as colonel on the staff, commanding the forces at Shorncliffe Army Camp, and was appointed to command a brigade at Aldershot, with the temporary rank of brigadier general, in 1877. Furthermore, Shepstone expressed concern over the increasing amount of firearms falling into Zulu hands, further fuelling the case for war. After hearing from Dartnell, Chelmsford resolved to move against the Zulus in force. The uKhandempemvualso known as the umCijo, sharpened pointsclosed rapidly, forcing Raw into a fighting retreat.

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