pirate kake pipe tobaccopirate kake pipe tobacco

pirate kake pipe tobacco pirate kake pipe tobacco

If 75% Latakia doesnt make for a Lat-Bomb, then I dont know what would (100% Latakia perhaps)? McClelland's Syrian Full Balkan with it's Syrian Latakia presents a different experience with it's heavy Latakia yielding a very cool smoke - so cool one could think the blend is topped with menthol. And that's the problem. Bottom of Bowl: A nice build up of strength, still smooth, not quite as complex as Pease's Abingdon, but nevertheless still delicious. Take away some of that slightly salty or charcoal Pirate Kake taste! I was sent a sampler packet tucked into a shipment of tobacco I had ordered online from SmokingPIpes.com. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco. Surprised that some found Latakia to be overwhelming as I found it just a little over medium in strength. I had just finished some Orient Express and I noticed in the description that it was 50% Pirate Kake and 50% Odessa. The full-flavored body, woody and smoky aroma & delicious hints spice & leather - are what make this a Latakia lover's treasure. These kind of flavours, borne of latakia singly. Great work C and D. With the description of a 75% Latakia blend, I expected this tobacco to be nothing but the dark leaf and put off ordering it for a long time. A few bites in you decide that it's just ok.. then a few more bites.. nope, I've had enough. Heavy smoke. Truly a blend for Latakia aficionados. I was able to sample this wonderful latakia nougat bar at the recent Chicago Pipe Show. Also, or you use your bare hands to crumble it or a knife. It doesn't bite me any, regardless of my technique, it's just a very comfortable smoke. Fantastic. I can't get it to bite, and the presentation (though messy to prepare), is outstanding. I can't truly call it an English blend (even a Lat-Bomb English), but I like what it does. If you don't like Latakia, why are you reviewing a blend that's 70% Latakia then bashing it because it's one dimensional or monochromatic? Upon first inspection I was sure that I would need to slice this, but it falls apart rather easily. The wine helped me get through the bowl. The blend becomes so smooth that it's almost like smoking nothing. The oriental come up for air but just barely. It certainly doesnt disappoint and is a wonderful smoke. It's really not what I consider a "Latakia Bomb" with an obtrusive Latakia aroma! Immediately I enjoyed it, Latakia amount is high, and tastes excellent. The burn was very cool and consistant and did not require relights. I get some sweetness and flowers at certain moments. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. For each referral! . Next f ew smokes I broke it up just right and packed my bowl perfectly (when broken up correctly it packs really well). I took it up after having given up the pipe for a decade or so, took it up again, and wanted to recapture the intensity of the Balkan blend I used to smoke in my university days. The very epitome of lat bomb. After a few minutes, my taste buds become overwhelmed and I can't taste anything. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. Pipe Used: Invicta PSF POY 2014 Blasted Bulldog. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. I had been curious to try a "lat-bomb" and this certainly seemed to be held in high esteem by many so I gave it a shot. I'm still not a fan of the Krumble Kake as stated above, but it does burn at a sip. As others have mentioned, Pirate Kake would probably blend very well with FVF, or other sweet, full bodied, predominately English or Virginia blends. Love the pressed bricks that lie waiting in the can when it is opened. It was some of the nicest Latakia I have smoked in some time. Country Squire Radio - PODash It comes in a crumble cake and like all the C&D cakes I've tried this one is easily breakable and crumbled nicely. if that makes sense. I enjoy a good Balkan or English blend, but not this much Latakia. 2oz Tin. Tin of 50 Grams. The wife will hate it but I'm too old to care. Hey gang! Also pairs nicely with Lagavulin, and a novel about tall ships. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. I just want more and more. Taste wood, mildly sweet, some floral and smokey earthy flavors. This will be one of my favorites. The nicotine will not knock you out but it is there and persistent. Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with mild nicotine strength, but big flavor & taste. I would not call this blend monochromatic like some have, as the flavor is somewhat complex at first, but it does tend to level out afterwards. I now understand why so many rate this tobacco highly. Great job C&D! The cake crumbles good and packs well, I like to put the finer rubbed out pieces in the bottom and top with some fat chunks in the middle. This stuff is the bomb. The smoke is abundant with each puff, and I guess some would probably find offensive. The Virginia's and and Burley provide a good base and can be tasted behind the Latakia, and it is a great flavor. I got a sample from a friend and was very grateful, but I wont be purchasing any of this, just not something I would not smoke often at all. Li t my first bowl in my Abe Herbaugh Bent Apple. If you love Latakia, this is a must try. Wow, this sure is a sucker punch in a baggie. Which is exactly the Latakia taste I look for. Having not tried many C & D products, after meeting them and sampling PK and a few others, I'm now a fan. Latakia forward for sure, but I absolutely love the flavors I get off of this Blend. Pirate Kake rates 2 stars. That said, its a heavy Latakia Mixture that is tasty. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Item# 2324 $14.95 Availability: Usually ships the next business day Total Price: Qty: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) It actually made my neighbor come out and ask if I was burning tires. .faint musk of slaves, hmmm appetizing, I'd like to smoke me some o that. Definitely a strong peaty highland single malt like Laphroaig or peat monster. This is a nice cake, black in appearance, smelled smokey and robust. A very cool and pleasent smoke. Sip, don't puff hard! If you love latakia this is for you. English lovers unite! I have a Savinelli 320 and a Peterson System Standard that I ONLY smoke Pirate Kake in. So not only is this a must try for me but many thanks are owed to this blend and C&D. Used to smoke this semi regularly years ago. This is a awesome smoke , very smokey , campfire comes to mind , there is some sweetness, but not as much as other English tobaccos, even so this is a great smoking tobacco. This one is good for what it is, which is a lat bomb. Even at the full price it seems reasonable, so I will probably be buying more when I run out. I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. If there were negative stars, Pirate Kake would earn them. I sit at work, thinking about smoking a bowl when I get home. Is what this blend is all about. LET THEM SMOKE KAKE. If aye could curl up in a tin of this intoxicating tobaccy Id never see the light of day! Heavy on the Latakia. They did not change and they played very nicely together willingly letting the wonderful smoky flavor lead the way. Breaking off a chunk and rubbing it out with your fingers isn't difficult at all, but you might want to wash your hands afterwards. Pirate Kake comes pressed, probably to get the Turkish and burley to combine with the Latakia's smokey flavor. Smells of smoke and creosote. Packing and Lighting: It can be time consuming to crumble, but you must, or this will not light well. A delicious rich smoke. I fall in between. A very full bodied and strong blend not for the mild smoker. The Latakia is good and the other tobaccos play well with it. Recommended for Latakiaphiles. No real complexity here but this is not a blend you sit and ponder over, you know exactly what you are getting and I like that sometimes. I expected this blend to be nothing more than a Latakia-bomb; 75% Latakia made it a good bet that would be accurate I thought. This bulk tobacco came as one large slab, with sharp-cut edges, like it had been hewn from a monster brick. It lacks a little bit of a component: Virginia. If you like sweet stuff with your latakia this just might fit the bill. The way this flakes apart - big cubes that come apart easy. It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. With that said, it would be lovely with just a little more Orientals in the mix; say, 50% Latakia with the deficit filled with Turkish leaf. It has a smokey sweetness to it that I have not detected in any other blend. THIS one does it for me every time! Don't get me wrong, this a good tobacco, but I don't understand all the fuss. In my opinion there is no sweetness in this blend but I don't mind. For Example: Enter 16 in quantity box for 1 pound. That being said for me even staying within the same company I think you get much more nuance and flavor while remaining a great smoke from Stimulus Package or Da Vinci maybe even Mississippi Mud if youd like black Cavendish. The Burley just donates body and rounds up the mixture. and orientals. I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. No, that isn?t a bad thing! I would truly smoke this over a lot of other sought after blends. Mind you, its a good mixture; smooth and heavily smoky. Detailed segmentation of international and local products. The latakia is right in your face, yet it's smoothed out with the burley and orientals. Interested in this product? After discovery, I probably only got about three bowls out of this. The small amount of Turkish and Burley stands up evenly to the seventy five percent of Latakia. Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth. I like to smoke PK in a large bowled pipe, usually my big Striker billiard. Stinky dirt!" Similar Blends: Mac Baren - HH Vintage Syrian, Solani - 763: White and Black. I first tried this in a Ser Jacapo LB Maxima Maxima. I only plan on smoking this on occasion myself. Despite being 75% latakia I was easily able to pick out the oriental tobacco. Peaty sort of flavor to it. The burn's consistent and incredibly even, giving off a smoke that's reminiscent of Sam G Balkan Flake: cool Latakia. Maybe once a week. It does have a lot of Latakia but the addition of the Burley g ives it a bit of a bite that's not exactly my cup of tea. It brings to mind Texas BBQ, charred wood, and outdoor cookouts. I find it creamy, smoky and wonderfully perfect. . Similar Blends: Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians. However, even if this blend is quite straightforward it is helped by the turkish. Well, it really depends on where you are. The flavor and aroma don't have that intoxicating factor that blends like Nightcap or Constellation have. As always YMMV. Love this stuff. Not bad, just different. I took a long filet knife and cut it into 1/4 pound bars. TONS of smoky spicy and an after taste that makes you think you just the bark off a whole smoked pork shoulder. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake | Premium Pipe Tobacco | Mom's Cigars I bought this because I found a 6 year old tin at a local B&M. C&D managed to hit a very nice flavor note! It burns well and forms a nice ash. 4-stars. At other times, you may also detect an almost perfumy fragrance, possibly a synaesthetic hallucination. It isn't a very sophisticated, subtle or multidimensional tobacco, and it isn't suited for all-day consumption (in spite of the relatively low nicotine content). Pipe Used: Stanwell Bjarne Nielsen, Peterson, Corncob. Absolutely no indication of bite even when puffing vigorously. After about 4 months I tried it again, Wow!!!! I might jump that to highly recommended for the latakiaphiles out there. Pirate Kake is definitely a "Lat. Initially very smoky, somewhat sweet, very smooth, but ultimately uninteresting. Be prepared for a punch-in-yje-mouth Latakia kick. To my suprise the unburnt aroma is quite sweet, nutty and not overly Latakia-ish. I am relatively new to pipe smoking. It crumbled up pretty easy and packed up well. Its not the most pleasant smell. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . Ten Russians is still the latakia heavy blend I reach for but this is a nice step down. (That's not a sentence you'll hear very often.) While it lacks the subtle complexity of Esoterica's "Penzance," PK delivers a lovely, creamy, cool smoke that leaves amazing flavors on the palate. The plug cut provides a very slow, peaceful, perfect, cool smoke. 4 stars. Will save this for chilly, rainy nights. Opened 3 month old tin and found the dryness/wetness to be perfect. Not for beginners ! The Latakia is so tasty in this blend an exciting smoke from top to middle and ends quite well wont be disapp Loving every minute of it, waste not, this Lat bomb if beautiful. If you enjoy the smoky leaf and want to push the limit, I highly recommend this blend! Cake breaks up very eas ily. Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. The Latakia is certainly noticeable, but somehow does not completely take the bowl over. Original post: I bought two ounces of this "because it was there", on the shelf at El Fumador and I had not tried it. Of course I recognize that there are some people whose tongues are so scorched and their palettes so brutalized by lat bombs, that they will gladly go down with this ship. It is top notch Cyprian leaf with solid Burley and Virginia's. One of my favorite after-dinner, sitting on the porch, watching-the-glaciers-move pipes is a "latakia parfait", constructed thusly: In a tallish bowl combine first Old Ironsides as broken flakes (bottom third), next crumbled Pirate Kake (middle third), and finally Commonwealth Mixture (top third of bowl). On the positive side: the "cut" (or presentation) of this cake tobacco is superb. While for me Penzance is for special occasions, Pirate Kake is the perfect last smoke of the day for every day. I just wanted to add my four stars to this terrific blend. Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.. If you are not a fan of a lot of Latakia, take a pass. The Cavendish tries now and again, but about all it can seem to muster is to have a slight sweetening effect on the Latakia. Purchased From: Dubini, Chiasso (Switzerland). Crumbles up real nice. It is obviously dark from the 75% Latakia, but the lighter Burley, and the Turkish can be seen well mixed in. It seems to have a topping but it contributes to the excellent flavor. I also get some almonds, vanilla, and a bit of anise/licorice. Nice taste of mesquite, oak, cedar and some pine with a nice bitter dark chocolate after taste that lingers on the palate. I taste at least three different alternate flavor notes as different sized chunks of tobacco burn. It has a pleasant aftertaste. Overall this is a must for any Latakia lover, but approach with an open mind and don't expect anything you might be more accustomed to. Not much sticks out: Creosote.. Gunpowder, leather, peat. It is incredibly complex considering the fact that this stuff is the equivalent of putting a freight train in your pipe. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco - TobaccoPipes.com Its packed with a perfect punch, with just enough bite. Tonight, it is C&D's Pirate Kake. Im gonna go pack some mor e and have another bowl. The closest an honest gentleman can get to smoking straight Latakia. I suppose it depends on your mood when smoking it. I enjoy English blends in general but this is a bit over the top for me. Give it a try, Age When Smoked: 5/01/18 dated so 2-3 months, Purchased From: Boda Pipes (Greenville SC). Nice and flavorful smoke! Nic dose is fairly low on this one, which surprised the heck out of me because the flavor is so over the top. The Latakia is rich & smooth, lacking the strength, intensity, and complexity to keep it interesting. It is wonderfully and potently fragrant, it's smooth and rarely bites, and it is easy to acquire. I love and appreciate the other varieties of Latakia in the market, but nothing can beat a good GL Pease or C&D English in pure delightful flavor (except for Plum Pudding maybe). A very enjoyable 3 stars with no complaints from me. I like Latikia, but this may be just a bit over the top for me. The single clarion note LATAKIA is all you get. A cold smoke, very enjoyable, especially (I imagine) in a cold winters day when you drink a smoky Islay Scotch. I find it to have a very rich, flavorful smokey, pleasantly toasty, note. I think it loses something over time. One may leave the cake form, without rubbing entirely, in its tin. There is a relatively low nicotine content in this blend. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. I initially bought a tin, liked it, then eventually bought a pound brick which I placed into two of the large mason jars. Not an all day smoke,. I got this as a sample from smokingpipes.com, and wanted to try a crumble cake. Pipe Used: John Middleton Oyster Rusticated Author, Nice. :). Aprendo la latta ci troviamo un plug pressato, abbastanza compresso, dai colori vari, marrone scuro, chiaro e punte di giallo. Im pretty sure I know what the caterpillar was smoking in Alice In Wonderland: Pirate Kake! I spent hours getting my smoked salmon perfect. Puff in front of me fire place. Details. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag Cornell and Diehl. In fact, it isn't fit to be called a blend at all since it is the same as smoking straight latakia, not a blend of different tobaccos. Pure pirate gold! My only disappointment with this was that I expected it to be a bit stronger and higher in Vit N than it was. With age the body increases along with a dark sweetness. The room note is pleasant yet very strong. There are a quite a few stems in my batch, I might go as far as to call it stemmy. What a smoke! A few puffs into the bowl, the Latakia smooths out a bit and it is just a great smoke. . WORDS FAIL ME AS TO HOW WONDERFUL IT IS. Most likely she won't let you smoke this one inside unless she's smoking it too lol. I don't get any depth or complexity, just a basic smokiness. Even Penzance is not as creamy as the Latakia used in PC. And on. It then was lost on my tobacco shelf until August 2015. I didn't find this blend to change much in the bowl. Not for the faint of heart, and definitely one to smoke when no one else is around. The present tin information report: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%) of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. I was pleasantly surprised by C&D's Pirate Kake though. Easy to break off and prepare in your pipe. The Latakia is delicious, thick, and creamy. 3-4 lights to get going. A Latakia lover's treasure. Like SteelCowboy says, if you're not a fan of lots of Latakia, take a pass!. I will be stocking up on this heavily. Not a rush but a steady buzz- nice in this dept. Cornell and Diehl's Pirate Kake is the last of the bulk samples from my recent half tinned and half bulk thin down purchase and I saved it for last. Had a light vinegar note on top. only problem it smells and smokes like gramp as tobacco but thats what english is all about. The smoke from the Pirates Kake draws me in. In the pipe it was hard to discern the accompanying tobaccos from the Latakia. Have nice weekend ! 3 Stars, at the least. Many tobaccos with half as much bill themselves as "heavy" blends. Taste is med to full and consistent throughout. On my rating scale 3 stars denotes recommendation with my intention to repurchase sometime in future. You may even liken this to a creosote and tar aroma. Yes, the Latakia is very present but the flavor is so much more: smoky, sweet, tangy and a light pungent flavor on the end. But you might be asking; when should I smoke it? Tastewise, this is amazing. The strength level is just shy of the center of medium to full.

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