is rat bastard a sluris rat bastard a slur

is rat bastard a slur is rat bastard a slur

Black women have a tendency to violently shake their heads in heated conversations. Sounds like their gulping when the speak English, Soldier in name called them that, referring to McDonalds (slaughtered meat). Not copyrighted in any way, shape or form. orland park health and fitness membership cost. 4:51. Used in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". Muslim, Muzzie. Bacalou (codfish) is a major part of their diet. My Little Pony Not exactly a racial slur, but MLP fanfiction occasionally depicts the terms coltcuddler and fillyfooler, . A take off on Camel Jockey and Camel-Humper. Crabrangoon. MULTIPLE reasons have been submitted: A derogatory term for an Asian indicating they have the social status of a black person. Commonly used by American minority groups (blacks, hispanics, asians) to refer to white people. Means nigger. Especially since their skin is so pale, it looks scary to others as their blue eyes stare out at them. When they would burn the Jews and the ashes would come out the smoke stacks. Ese cabrn fue detenido por robar bolsos a la viejecitas otra vez. Used in Boston because Irish immigrants could mostly only find employment helping to fill in the Back Bay which was at the time, marsh and water. non-Thai) of the white race. Pineapples grow there and they kinda look like pineapples. ', Spanish/Chinese mix. Driving While Oriental. It means "umbrella", only related with the alike pronunciation, nevertheless derogatory. This actually means "Czech" in the Czech language. The urban slang attached to these neighborhoods relies on vermin for its slurs: "ghetto rat," "hood rat," and "ratter." Then . Since they had no boots due to the trenches eating them away, when they ran their feet became all covered in mud. Also suggests life without meaning, value or worth. Common name: Chaim, pronounced (roughly) hy-EEM. Derogatory, used by Indians and Pakistanis. Black stereotypical character from Antebellum South. Remotes are black and they do things for you. Multiple origins. Throughout the galaxy, individuals used phrases, interjections, slang, insults and expletives to express themselves, including the following: Ada: An affectionate term for father used on Tangenine. wet-backs. Often bouncing around and moving, like kangaroos. BASIC PROFANITY: Bantha - A large, slow-moving hairy quadruped; an insult connoting the characteristics of such a creature, as in, "You brainless, lice-ridden bantha" (Knights of the Old Republic). 2 of the more common sounds they make in their general street slang. Da Bi Zi is the phonetic equivalent of "tabeestu.". Japanese living in America, Jap + yankee = Jank. Asian tourists are known to take a lot of photographs. This slur corresponds with people who were born in the area around Europe, China, Japan, etc. Fun Fact: You can gauge how industrialized a nation is by the percentage of their insults that involve barnyard animals. Poor working-class whites. Refers to lowriders. From the Scottish character in 'The Simpsons'. Hebrew derivation from the word for nation (goy singular; goyim plural). Tom Green, a Canadian, mocked sexual contact with a moose on his television show. Cubans Who Have Recently Arrived To The U.S.. Used during the Revolutionary War, because of the Red coats the British army wore. A play on "wetback", altered to fit Canadians. The tricked out, custom cars Hispanic gang members often drive. Bastard definition: A person born of parents not married to each other; illegitimate child. Refers to Colonel Sanders. Used by Russians as a derogatory term for Greeks. redneck. Referenced by Groudskeeper Willy on the Simpsons, Comes from the French surrendering (whiteflagging) many wars. You're retarded.". Not quite White; Not Quite Black. March 5, 2020 at 9:39 pm. ", Used as a masked replacement for 'Nigger. An old french man who steals the buttons off of women's clothing and then hides the buttons under his foreskin. This is kind of an interesting term, because "Ebony" is considered a very good word and used by Blacks to reference themselves (some even name their children "Ebony"). Beaucoup means "very" in French, Dinky Dau is Vietnamese for crazy. Blacks who suck up to white people. Yunel Escobar, homophobe who wrote a gay slur on his eyeblack; . US President Abraham Lincoln is known to have freed the slaves. Fog Horn: British: A loud/annoying British person. A play on the arabic food baba ganoush, an eggplant and garlic sauce which is often consumed by arabic people. Originated during the Vietnam War (1960-1974) from the phrase 'Viet Cong,' shortened to V.C., which in the military phonetic alphabet is 'Victor Charles' which gets you to 'Charlie.'. Probably derived from Afrikaans "Hottentot", a name for a very traditional Khoisan group generally recognized as among the most primitive on earth. Jin is the name of a Chinese rapper (, known as the ones who spend there time hanging round by the arcades thinking they are all hard, Japanese, chinese, vietnamese, ect. In Japanese, the word insult or swear-word translates as / bujoku. Ass: An . Mexican/Black mix. Native American term. They're salty because of all the days they were on the Ocean water. Heard frequently in NY. a pretty, but empty-headed, young lady. Ebonics: "I gave the bitch crabs and the hotel everybody.". Term for unskilled Chinese workers, especially on U.S. railroads. The Native American sign for a white person was wiping the index finger across their own face along the bridge of the nose, indicating the border between dark and light skin on a cowboy's face. Female version of Mooley. High class Italian. Subset of Native American indicating person who was at Wounded Knee incident in South Dakota in the '70s; Member of A.I.M. Used as early as the battle of the Alamo in 1836. From what I know, it's mostly used in New England in the USA; but what it stands for is " W hite A nglo S axon P rotestant". Black/Mexican mix. A goofy black guy, like the guy from Good Times. They continue "spreading" across the United States. a offensive : a very bad or unpleasant man : a man who you strongly dislike or hate. Technically should only refer to Chinese, but used for all Asians. White trash who wander around looking for a job. (Rude and derogatory.) Possibly a variant of eggplant. Reference from Smurfs cartoon. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". White person who tries to act black. Cockney rhyming slang "four by two" = Jew. Commonly used to mock internerds who Zerg rush or act like fags. Possibly a real Italian word bastardized by English-speaking Italian-Americans. Lots of sheep in Wales. The context of the panel's opinion was limited to that specific case. Derogatory term for Portugese. Old-fashioned epithet, derived from the 1st 2 syllables in "Italian" with a corruption of the 2nd syllable. Black people were whipped while they were slaves. May reference the type of cage used to keep small animals. Lucius, Marcus, Scipio, etc.). Stands for "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant." Used in the movie "Betrayed" by rural American hate group. Name for Jews. Also, Spudfucker. Middle aged white women with pot-bellies resemble raw chicken when naked. Also Ink Baby or Inkspot. What The Best and Funniest Russian Swear Words, Curses and Phrases? Pronounced "Kuh-blasian" (example: Tiger Woods), Chinese/Black mix. (See Schiendler's List), When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it's from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers. Coined by comedian Scott Thompson from the Kids in the Hall. Another word in Yiddish that means nigger. Translated into Farsi (Persian language) means "black". The comic was created with a futuristic, crime driven city, called Lowtown, in . Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. It is very frequently used in a simple descriptive way. Used as an insult by city dwellers on indigenous, small town inhabitants or vulgar people even from the big city. Originated in the South (pre-Civil War by the slaves). T he New York Times exonerates Hillary Clinton on the charge that she called an aide a "f***ing Jew bastard.". Relatively slow and ungraceful white male athletes, particularly tall white basketball players. Similar sound to Caucasion; Implies their persuasive, scandalous actions and attitudes. Combination of "Palestinian" with "simian", i.e. Italian/Jewish mix. Short for nig-GAR. Offensive A person born to parents not married to each other. He was a stereotypical minstrel show character, history described, The black slave from the movie "Gladiator.". See Cocoa Puff. Srat' tebe v rot - To crap in your mouth. 2) because they are short, and Koerans have a tendency to call short people ddang kong (peanuts). From "Coca-Cola". Europe laughed, name stuck. From the film "Team America: World Police". Usually found squatting in large groups and drive Honda's with spoilers. The Irish-Americans called black people "Nagurs" because they could not pronounce the word "Nigger" with their accent. ", Malu is actually short for "Maliali" which is spelled Malayalee. Because of their dark skin, which can blend into the night, making them ghost-like. English rhyming slang - Mechanical digger = Nigger. Offensive racial slur. Gannet - Greedy person. Originally meant the lowest form of vagrant. Young Mexican girls. they think they have everything and are more advanced than every other country. Many bosnians have large heads with flat facial features. Hispanics who are frequently in the welfare line getting "government cheese.". Used to refer to tall, thin Italians. - te******, Play on quiet rivalry between Trinidad and Tobago. Rasputin was a historical figure in Russia. This area has the highest density of Mormons and also the highest Jell-O consumption in the United States. Inglourious Basterds. Also the Welsh "Sassain.". Catch phrase of Steve Irwin, a famous Australian animal expert, A drongo is a very Australian word for an idiot. Also in reference to always wanting stuff for free. Therefore making them Jersey-dwellers. "Holy. Blacks listen to loud "thumping" music in their cars. Inspired from the 80's version of Degrassi Jr. High where the black guy wore a shirt with the phrase "BLT," his initials. Means "large" or "fat" in Spanish. Thick meaning stupid, Mick as an abbreviation of Michael, a common Irish Christian name. 1 contributor. Some of the people from Newfoundland are considered to be less intelligent. It was created so that they could refer to blacks in a derrogatory way and not get in trouble. The idea is that they are carrying many children packed tightly inside. A caucasian, black, and asian person. Used in areas of Punjabi immigrants. Also has slight money-related reference. Find 31 ways to say BASTARD, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. when one gets frostbite, their skin becomes dark, As in the clothing line F.U.B.U., or known by African Americans as "For Us, By Us." Blacks who act white. Chleuh a term with racial connotations, derived from the name of the Chleuh, a North African ethnicity.It also denotes the absence of words beginning in Schl-in French. C. 1940s. Based on the stereotype that Mexicans are lazy. Jews who act Black, like the Jewish rap group The Beastie Boys. The term 'yellow-belly' is an archetypal American term, but began life in England in the late 18th century as a mildly derogatory nick-name. Famous Italian vidoegame plumber. This of course, would include manga and anime. Although sometimes, a racist will use a (racist slur) + (unpopular animal) as a compound insult. Because of their clear skin and facial features. A supposedly common name of British butlers. Bitchy black woman from the TV show "The Apprentice". Rhymes with 'pie pie'. (Bukkake + Japanese). Very white with a big head. From when the US Government gave tribes blankets.. Its history is cruel, so . Could also be a reference to "Jim Crow", a popular 19th-century minstrel song that stereotyped African Americans, which later was used as the name of the. Believed to be contraction of Yiddish/German schwatrz (black) and boogie. Whites used to pat black people on top of thier head for good luck. Used by Italians to describe Italians who are more assimilated into "North American" culture. Thus, people who live in housing projects often sit out front to keep cool. Lativans say "labi" (good) to everything, whether they mean it or not. Means "Oil Drillers". Mojados are Mexican citizens while pochos are Mexican-Americans. Often shortened to "Jig.". Pure blooded Blacks having "large fish eyes, dark brown skin, and long legs like a cricket." is rat bastard a slur. White/Native American mix. baka or aho = idiot, stupid (may be used in an affectionate way in some contexts) bakayar = its coarser version, and its derivative kusoyar (asshole) kuso = shit ! In reference to the shine their skin can sometimes give off. Being bottom-feeders; Mud "musk" turtles have a distinct odor and are mud-colored. Based on the stereotype that Hispanics steal cars. In 2011, the word got . A Mexican who has crossed the border illegally. Alert all commands: An order used on Imperial starships as a general alert. Refers to an Asian who rolls X-tacy, e.g. Innocent human beings were tortured, burne. Refers to poor blacks who live in rural areas, especially if the area is predominantly white. Despite its negative history, the word is regularly used by various races. It means "Turk," a much-hated nation by other Arabic states, in Spanish. Comes from Whites lynching Blacks before and around US Civil War times. A common practice of southerners was to hang blacks. The Argentinians call Brazilians "macaquitos" (little monkeys) because they are more racially mixed. Used by Aboriginal people of white Australians. Derived from the Spanish word for South American (sudamericano). Mexicans are gardeners, thus always in the yard as well. Used neutrally and disparagingly. Refers to Asians, esp. Refers to the slaves who picked cotton all day at the plantations. Probably from the Dutch "niknok" (nigger) by way of South Africa. Pronounced Wa-She-Shoo; is a typical reservation slur for Native Americans to use when talking about white people in a derogatory manner. Kafir is an Arabic word with meanings similar to Goy or Goyim of the Jews, only describing any non-Muslim person in a derogatory way. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "big demon". Boches Apheresis of the word alboche, which in turn is a blend of allemand (French for German) and caboche (slang for 'head'). Used by Hispanic-Americans. New Jersey = the arm pit of America, this does not mean that African Americans live in Jersey. A person of hispanic lineage, hopefully Mexican, that is from Texas. Referring to Black Africans. From shinu plus shimau. Also: Carpet Jockey. Used by other Hispanics to refer to the Dominicans. 12. Guamanian trash. You dirty bastard! Derived from Gaelic stories of the Fianna, a mythical group of warriors. ", starring primitive dark creatures that lived in sewers, From that African language that all it is is clicks and whistles. Used by Whites in the Jim Crow South who were too lace-curtain to say "nigger" but too racist to say "Negro.". Based off the hotel heiress who represents every negative stereotype about WASP women. The Bounty Bar is a coconut filled chocolate bar, so it's brown on the outside but white on the inside. A high precent of coffee comes from Colombia, Originated from the movie "Scarface", where Colombians were refered to as frogmen because of their squashed-like faces. Japanese slur for blacks. Whites who try to act Japanese. Chicano slur used in L.A. From Mexican boys wearing thin nets to cover their hair. Used a lot in Australia where there was a large arrival of Lebanese immigrants in the mid 80's. Red Shea did his crime, then did his time--and never informed, unlike Henry Hill of Wiseguy, Sammy "The Bull" Gravano of Underboss, and so many others. Malcolm X used this slur. Applicable to Italians, Greeks, and Hispanics. Goliath. Used by Chinese. It was in the movie "Shaft." On his HBO Sports series The Shop, L.A. Lakers forward LeBron James called the NFL's owners as a bunch of "old white men" and accused them of acting like slave masters. The rugged aussie outback is full of rocks, the gins look like apes, hence the connection. "Spota get a job. Author Ralph Ellison used the term to describe black people who felt/were treated as if they were speaking on behalf of the black race. Derived from "conk", a lye-straightened hairdo popularized in the 1920s by Cab Calloway. If you're ready to have women hate you, then go ahead and let loose with an abazure ("b*tch") or yariman ("slut"). Drop dead, go to hell. Used by Cambodians. Vlah's are now extinct but the saying still stuck with the Serbs who replaced them. Reference to their over-indulgence in the game of Hockey. Conner's friend McClure, who was then the district manager of a chain of Vic Tanny gyms in San Francisco, related that his boss . An insult to describe stuck up holier-than-thou white folk (oftentimes rich). Big Black man from the film Lilo and Stitch. Very dark black people are refered to as crispy, Relatively large black bird. All white people come from Europe, they claim to be American, but they are not, they are pilgrims. Find Rat Bastards-inspired gifts and merchandise printed on quality products one at a time in socially responsible ways. Originates from the shape of a Black person's nose. But because a turtle doesn't know its father, it's a creative way of calling someone a bastard. Refers to a black woman when she wears her hair and makeup to try and look like a white woman. An equivalent to eggplant. Heard it used by Renko on Hill Street Blues. From the Vietnam War. Used in the movie "Bones" for a black man's white woman. Extremely offensive to anyone who speaks Navajo. The KKK is condemned by most "Confederate" organizations. Since Chinese always have haircuts that look like Moe from The 3 Stooges, A 'mook jonk' is a wooden dummy used in kung fu. Filipino equiv. The word derives from 'pakepakeha'mythical fair-skinned human-like creatures and now means any New Zealander with predominantly European ancestry. "Banana" and "anime." It's a racist term because when white people realize the truth, whatever pride they have in being American will be crushed. Used in Gangs of New York. Many names seem to use every letter of the alphabet. Eskimo orginated from southern Indian tribes describing the northern Inuit, whom they were constantly fighting. Used by Bavarians/Austrians to refer to North Germans (after a famous Prussian with the last name "Pieffke"). Janet Jackson also made an album called "Rhythm Nation" for people with rhythm (not white people). Backwoods inbred rednecks of the U.S. south are called muppetfuckers because they look like Muppets. White on the outside, yellow on the inside (opposite of banana). Condensed form of Yard Ape. . Corruption of West African "Buuker" meaning devil, boogie-man or white man. It is becoming increasingly used by the Asian Pacific American community and is not necessarily considered derogatory. Swearing and general insults. Also, Sometimes they make a hicking noise when they are excited. Used by the church that was attended by Mr. Smith - the hate killer that shot up a bunch of Jews and Blacks in the summer of '99. Used by British Blacks of Jamaican heritage. Pal is a name of rich, land owning Indians. W.A.S.P. Specifically a derogatory term referring to the. Chinese people who try to act black; like Wanksta for white people. Originates from pre-Civil War US. Also shovel-face. sounding like a machine gun. Tom was an Alaskan Innuit (Eskimo) who was called Pieface because his features made his "eyes look like an eskimo pie. rat bastard: yellow-bellied: a cool quiet room with no bastards in it: ethnic slur: The Green Eye of the Yellow God: gook: mayor: story: Those Poor Bastards: Comics titles and characters: The Big Fat Kill: Elijah Wood: close call: Hypnosis: powerful: The Rock: major: ugly never call an ulsterman a paddy it doesnt go well Aiwha-bait: Used by clone troopers to refer to Kaminoans. A Chinese word, not necessarily derogatory. One of the two black characters on the show South Park is named Token. Last Thursday, Roselle Park Municipal Court Judge Gary Bundy ordered a local homeowner to take down profane flags critical of President Joe Biden . Cuban slur for blacks. Refers to Chinese people that try to act like Black people or are half Black. Origins unknown, thought to come from Philadelphia area. If you're looking for the best collection of hilariously offensive racist jokes, you've come to the right place! Some Romanians are gypsies. The Sleestacks were stupid, slow, and apparently very lazy. Short for "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Brings Freedom) which was on the gates of the concentration camp Auswitz. After Ringo Starr of the Beatles. In prison, this is a widely used word for blacks. They ain't white and they ain't black, THEY'RE IN BETWEEN. The latitude line between slave and free states. is rat bastard a slur. Stands for Filthy (or Fucking) English Bastard. Used by Errol Flynn in a 1933 letter to German intelligence agent Hermann Erben. Refers to the Spanish origin "Spaniard" mixed "Bean", with a commom food in many Mexican dishes. What American-born Italians call immigrant Italians, as in "He/she is a real Jabonee right off the boat. Refers to Native American women. Offensive because original American settlers from Europe completely misnamed them. For the bigoted "All In The Family" character Archie Bunker. ", Refers to large white boys from rural areas (They are cornfed like premium cattle) Typically considered to be extremely strong but not too bright, Farmers in the fields getting intimate with their animals. British Imperialists commonly referred to Indians as a "WOG" since they were commonly used as security, it stood for "Warden on Guard". 10. Old Black. Practice Inclusion: End the Use of the R-Word . A former person of the Jewish faith who has switched to Buddhism(apparently there are many). Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). In reference to the cookie. rat's arse - of the lowest . Drug dealing is the popular occupation in urban ghettos. DJ turntable scratching noise, often heard in rap music. White slur used by blacks. Self Explanatory. Another slur based on the Hispanics consumption of beans. "Mojo" derives from "mojado" meaning "wet" i.e. British Blacks. Comes from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice. Derived from the show "Oz" on HBO, where the character Beecher was raped and sodomized by Blacks and Racist whites. Represents their fondness of eating cheese; used mostly by Germans. Possibly of Creole origin meaning something similar to "foe. The word "beaner," the worst slur against Mexican-Americans, has popped up recently, amid a rise in hate crimes against Latinos. . Same level of offensiveness as nigger or chink. West African (Yoruba) term for African-Americans. Sounds similar to pac-man (the early 80s arcade game), Means Typical Paki. what is the neonatal energy triangle Likes. Swedes call Finns for "finne", which means pimple in Swedish. As demonstrators gathered outside the Capitol Sunday to rally against the bill, one held a sign saying, "All tea partiers: If you hear a racial slur, step away, point, boo and take a picture of the rat bastard." Blacks in Hawaii who attempt to pass themselves off as ethnically Hawaiian. From the Rapper Eminem, thought of as a white person who tries to be black. It's used across northern Scandinavia, and is equivalent to calling an Inuit an 'Eskimo', An old Norwegian name for Smi that is now considered derogatory. Origins in Philip Roth's short story "Goodbye Columbus.". One of the few jobs blacks were allowed to do after enlisting in the U.S. Navy was food preparation. A fish monger is a Shakespearean term for pimp, and there are many coi at Chinese restaurants, Keye Luke's protege (the young Caine) from the TV series, Kung Fu. Japan's only true source of food is the sea, so they eat a lot of fish. Does not necessarily bear a negative connotation. The heavy influence of the potato in Ireland. Shawnee, Native American term for "Mud person". Short for Septic Tank, which is rhyming slang for "Yank." Short for Feargal Sharkey (a UK Pop singer from late 70's and 80's) which rhymes with Darkie. Refers to Buckwheat, a Black character on "The Little Rascals.". Self-explanatory (and because they can't make a car). Commonly denotes Hispanic gangster types (in the U.S., not in Mexico), Hispanic girls who dress and act Black. The great big mutant chins many Yanks have. Either from monkeys or the victim of a lynching. Term used extensively by the military in Robert O'Connors novel "Buffalo Soldiers" about US Soldiers stationed in Germany. Refers to a person of black and white heritage who passes for a white person. Seen on bumper stickers: "Haz Patria, Mata Un Chilango" (Make Mexico great, kill a Chilango). Same as hillbilly. Used by locals similar to how blacks use "nigger.". After the stereotypically Black trademark picture on "Aunt Jemima" brand breakfast foods.

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