forced diversity in advertisingforced diversity in advertising

forced diversity in advertising forced diversity in advertising

. I am sure you are speaking tongue in cheek, Kirk, but, the world being as it is, I have to go on record as saying that I dont condone any violence. 3. Big Tech is corrupt. It would be like running ads that showed aging college professors using your outdoor gear because theyre under represented and, you know, there are analytics that show they are 1.3% of the buying group. Because racism is OK when its a minority group thats doing it. I am sure that for the vast majority of the UK this is not the case. Anyone with healthy self-confidence does not require the culture to prop up their egos. These days, we are all seeing a hell of a lot of propaganda. It used to be, marketers could say they targeted women because women hold the purse strings. It creates the mentality of entitlement. Slavery is like the albatross around the white neck. No, I suggest you do a web search to find what you are looking for. Levin is probably the smartest, most observant, most literate social/political commentator out there. Explore the depth and breadth of ANA content through our product subcategories. We knew this was coming, and are not struggling for reasons like the normies do. I dont need to tell you that we live in a hyper-politically-correct society. When BLM founder purchased four homes I had just read a piece by a paid-by-democrats political consultant on CRT. Does that represent the true numbers of passengers or the target for airline passengers? Could black players in the NHL then foot the bill for this? Execs want to cover their asses when blacks take to social media to yell about how racist their ads are. Its really sad that we have losers that have to use Hitler to view their position, But I guess its okay to complain about too many white people in Acadamy Awards, Well it is based on talent and not skin color #liberalismisamentalillness. These advertisers are scumbags and people should boycott the products that theyre promoting!! Vote the D. The 2 DAs running this country are putting us on more commercials and TV. Another word for it is indoctrination, and its rampant. We arent being displaced both figuratively and literally by Canadians. I also strongly suspect it has something to do with the indoctrination centers we call public schools and universities churning out young people with leftist programming. I resisted Facebook for years and opened up an account only when I had a small business and wanted to advertise to my community. Just an example of how insane these people arelast summer when I took my son to the playground, he went down a slide right after a black girl went down before she got to the bottom. Imagine the reaction if a white actor portrayed MLK or Nelson Mandela in a film or play, or had the lead in The Lion King? I see nothing but brown skin and brown hair from blacks to Asians, to Hispanics. Yes! Then form your messaging and campaign strategy from there. So in short, replace the current population and weaken the next generation with confusion so there is nobody to fight back. Change is needed, but where should it begin? There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. I have no interest in tracking or counting these things, but when advertisers shove it in our faces to this extent, its impossible not to notice. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. Were mostly a bunch of self-reliant ranchers, farmers, and cowboys in my neck of the woods and dont relate much to any of this urban minority messaging sorry. What she/he is doing to womens college swimming is a travesty!! Why is this happening? For the past many decades and, I would argue, especially since 2008 we have been living in a world where race is used as a cudgel to divide us. In other words they are literally destroying their markets slowly while thinking they are getting the upper hand and the last word in their agenda thats fueled deep down by fear, anger and pain. But the problem is, ALL the ad agencies are also doing this.. in concert with ALL the corporate brand executives. It requires focus and a deep, longstanding commitment. Im glad you posted this. Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? I dont know where it ends, but I hate the globalists for their evil, greed, and corruption, and try to contribute as little to their profits as possible. Hey, Im all for fairness and equity, but youre right this is out of control. I know you are being sarcastic, but anyone who WOULD believe this is simply not living in reality. I also think its ridiculous to write Pregnant People. Isnt a pregnant person a WOMAN whether she is trans or not? They call out white privilege for those who have higher Motivational Values. Sorry it does not even out to put mostly blacks in front of the camera while keeping the behind the camera jobs for whites Except for a few superstar talents, people in front of the camera make less long term and have short careers compared to people behind it. I certainly do think the under currents in all of this are more sinister forces that have been playing the long game for decades. Thats when things start becoming exclusive rather than inclusive, and it comes off as pandering even when its meant well. Those ranchers usually drive large pickups. 5% are other religions. Their leagues are 75% black wheres the diversity on their sports.Really now. Im a 64-year-old liberal white female who usually votes Democratic but Ive been noticing this more and more. Its complete nonsense. And yet we cant say Merry Christmas. [Thats a clapping hands emoticon in response to Wills comment, for those who dont know. Good lord its so offensive. Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. That black Americans wouldnt be able to vote if they cant mail in their votes because they would have no way to get to a voting booth on election day, or that there are no bus routes to some voting booths, as if black Americans can only use public transport and dont own vehicles. It explains how ever since the post WW2 era our society has been led down this destructive path. I cry for the state of America these days because as previously posted, I date back to much better days. Do advertisers really think that the only way to appeal to potential customers many of whom are white males is to insult white males? Heres an idea. Thanks for your input. And I have lots of hypotheses on why but have yet to finalize my theory. You raise a good point about female representation, Stephan. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. The only true way to make your feelings known is to actually contact the companies directly & voicing your concerns & issues. Illustration published on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2021. Get your image and reputation back in the positive and continue with a wide open market. (Am I allowed to notice this or will I be labeled as racist?). While we are at it the advertisers can knock off the peyone, aka crooked carrot, feminine products etc. Social media and advertising cookies of third parties are used to offer you social media functionalities and personalized ads. Even if they use a purple clown. I am disgusted by all of this. What is going to happen to white children that are not being represented? watching youtube just nowNavy Credit Union commercialno white males2 POC males and an Asian lady. While were on the subject of equity in advertising, why is it that TV commercials portray white men as feminized, stupid, stay-at-home dopes who cant make it through the day without the help of women, children, and people of color? I literally get up and leave the room or x out ALL of these commercials (and blacks are in ALL of them) that are bombarding and attempting to control our thinking that theyre normal .. The high-end advertising being geared towards blacks is so unrealistic! Hispanics and Latinos are seeing themselves represented very little in advertising, which probably has them feeling pretty slighted given that they account for nearly 20 percent of the population and. Could it be the NHL is overwhelmingly white because of demographics, history, and lifestyle choices in large part? I think what irks me about it is the people making the choices. . If you note the 30 posters on the walls, there is one white, straight male. I am just sick of all this CRAP being shoved down our throats. Tell me how many national product ads meet that mix? not only for blonde, fair-skinned males, but females with the Marcia Brady look that blonde(ish), blue eyed irish type of face. Not to mention the actual equipment all a financial burden on the parents. The worst is the man whos lamenting the loss of his afternoon because the white woman with him is selling her car. It is pathetic and I refuse to watch all of these commercials and online ads .. Ever notice that on the so-called mainstream TV you never see any ads with a father and son anymore. And although these cultural problems dwarf the small, daily inconveniences that the forced-diversity agenda creates for creative professionals I wholeheartedly agree with your example of the difficulty in finding stock photography of white, rural-looking Americans I think those issues are important enough to our industry that they merit discussion. Makes no sense. No worries, SL. I find all this whining about representation laughable; Im half Mexican and Syrian and Filipino on the other side.where was my representation when I was a kid? Well, I was so upset that I decided to fight fire with fire. How dare you come after my little children like that? Or they have a political agenda better served by a belief there are more minorities. Patrick Ward, High Speed Experts. To me its not a Repub vs Dem or Right vs Left issue. Those forces are not invisible, just flying under the general radar. Of course you are wrong. Everyone and anyone can use a public library free internet, job searches, self-education are all to be had there. How can a company make any money by only advertising to %15 of the population. Theyre made to look stupid, or just plain made fun of! I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. And I have nothing against her. Advertisers are trying to focus more on diversity DEI roles increased 113% across industries from 2015 to 2020, but many DEI roles in advertising are functions of human resources. I have noticed this myself the last year and is more prevalent the last 6 mos. However, it can be difficult to incorporate diversity in a way that feels authentic, rather than a forced reply to a growing demand. Wish we could go back to the 90s.. when America had a backbone and when the cops could beat the crap out of the criminals without the cops going to jail for doing their jobs and the criminals being made into heroes. They hate normal people. 20% are agnostic, but celebrate Christmas. If Id replied with anything but an acknowledgement that yes indeed, todays advertising industry is totally overrepresenting black people and making white people look like idiots, then that would have told you that I was a lunatic, or at least intellectually dishonest, and that this blog was not worth your time. Just wow. I saw plenty on my Xbox dashboard whether I wanted to or not. I laughed at the commercial showing a black upper middle class family cooking Smores in their backyard. These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. And we have not noticed it and allowed it to happen!! I hear you. The report highlights the following 10 demographics that are shaping the fabric in the United States: Over the last 50 years, almost 59 million immigrants have entered the country, mostly from Asia and Latin America. Im of the belief that our brains wont simply rewire from group and gather tendencies, no matter how hard we try. John, you are absolutely right. Why wouldnt you show more people that look like the ones consuming your products? Whats racist is the over representation of minorities in tv now. All rights reserved. The same has been for blacks since 1960. Correct. So yes, we have been, and continue to be manipulated by corporations that have political, social and religious agendas. I agree, but like you, I think the motives run deeper than mere profits. Advertisers, be aware Im not alone. His presence was a sign, so the argument goes, that the movie's creators had clear left-liberal . And this is what the world sees. She is going to lock him up for decades and then release him? This is so far off what is anecdotally obvious to the average TV viewer, that it suggests erroneous data. But in sum, they were extremely sinister. In England now this also the norm, where the percentage of black people is less than America. This is the Kalergi Plan and the Frankfurt School opperating at full speed ahead. Are they implying 3% of their passengers are white, straight males? While Matthew Quint, director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, agreed more diverse races and gender identities are appearing in advertising in general and. Do you actually expect TV commercials to accurately represent life? some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) They are governors or lieutenant governors. About the whole social justice push. However, the. Thats the crux of it, isnt it, Vi? I was never this way before but Im tired of turning on my TV or streaming service and wondering if Im watching a channel from Nigeria. This has gotten way worse in 2022! Same with EastwoodDirty Harry throws away his badge at the end of the movieand in other Eastwood filmstheres usually a negative compromise. I just want, as Tool says in Aenima, Mom to come and put everything back together again. Its true. They see white erasure in western culture and wonder why. Exactly everything Ive been thinking and seeing too. And not created and shown exponentially more than they are present in the real world in order to enforce an agenda and brainwash the populace. Let it be done by nature. Interesting, on his website there are no blacks working at his firm. Actors have always been expendable to Hollywood and the ad industry so I dont think they care who they cast as long as they keep their jobs. 10% of the population in Middle Eastern countries are Christian. It would be more accurate to describe the situation as a forced lack of diversity being stripped away over time as media companies seek larger profits. READ IT!! Who comes up with the best inventions and breakthrough technologies? I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. Like what happened with that BLM founder after she bought four million-dollar homes in L.A. (Hopefully I can post the YouTube link), [The Cranky Creative says: YouTube is playing games with the link below. And that, right now, is one of the biggest reasons the world is such a hot mess right now. If you want to know the truth about how the vast majority of blacks socially interact simply watch 5-10 episodes of The First 48. Just dont use the dreaded C (Christmas) word though. If we want to avoid falling with them, we need to remain the voices of reason and sanity in society. And, as I get older I learn the things that dont make sense in life arent supposed to because were humans. There is no war against white people. Create A Focus Group To Help You Develop Content, Want to represent a variety of groups? Boycott the ads and dont buy the products. I perfectly see Michelle FHs point she is correct, absolutely. The original tweet: The NHL is proud to support this past weekends Team Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin. Lets not reduce the dignity of humans with dark skin to that mindset. Perhaps the most jarring aspect of this new definition is that it is no longer race-neutral, the author opines. Clearly, the activists behind this type of propaganda are not, and will never be, content to just live their lives and leave everyone else alone. Dont make assumptions about your audience. They have since spread their bullshit theories throughout the higher echelons of education. and the buffoon, always a white guy, UNLESS the actors are ALL of color, then a buffoon would be allowed. Its coercive propaganda in the background of each of these commercials repeated 1000s of times each day. Lets face it, were in a culture war and race is its beating heart. Secondly, brainwash the kids to let them think they are gender fluid or that being gay or trans is normal, while shutting up any resistance with cries of racism and homophobia, remove all white males from TV and advertising and if they are shown, they have to be depicted as Beta males we cant have our next generation of white men be strong role models, right? They see friends and relatives dropping dead from the Jonestown jab and wonder why. Not so much. And most of it is due to the monolithic multinational corporations and their greed for two synonymous and interchangeable terms money and power. Making it seem like 50% or 60% of the population are wealthy interracial couples which as we all know is very far from being accurate. #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride, Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 22, 2022. I kept scrolling and scrolling until it felt like I was inside The Truman Show and the producers were playing some kind of weird joke on me to see how I would react. Believe it or not, the United States of America is one of the *least* racist countries on the face of the earth. It is both telling and comical that they claim that those people avoiding the dangers of low Motivational Values are endemically racist even if they are African Americans with higher Motivational Values. Im not watching and Im not buying. In the UK you notice plenty of Indian/Arab + White couples. White girls too. I commented about this about a month ago and after I did I felt so much better. It feels forced, obvious and its now constantly shoved in our face. I HAD EVERY SYMPTOM of DYSPHORIA! The other challenge is if you say anything negative about misrepresentation in advertising, you are accused of being a racist. And I am CONVINCED this is due to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS and PACs and ACTIVISTS. . Well, have you watched the news lately? A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) November 16, 2021. Unfortunately, the brainwashing has been so constant and so thorough that most have no idea. T his report from ANA and ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity in the advertising/marketing industry.

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