a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfictiona canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction

a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction

I wasn't going to let them go, so I chose to betray my best friend in favour of a bug. "Y-yeah, sure." Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. I chose to go with the flow rather than get shouted at for believing you before getting left alone as well. Sniffling her tears up her nostrils, Celestia turned to face Shining. "State your business." Added Rainbow. Spike took it to mean Twilight rejected his request, until he heard the door unlock. Beside him at the war room table was Commander Alkaios of the pegasi, and Commander Maugrim of the unicorns. What kind of ponies are you? Could this be the most important moment in our lives? It left a horrible panging feeling in her heart as once more, the magnitude of her and the girl's collective actions hit home. "We hurried.", "It's alright everypony." Fluttershy returned to her cottage and carried on her duties to her animal friends but all the while, she thought about Twilight and how much she had been hurt behind her and the others' backs. It was a difficult task to remember what Night Light had told him. Following an unbridled facehoof, Rarity used her magic to lift Rainbow out of the mudhole and brought her inside Sugarcube Corner. Her next action defaulted, Luna glared at her sister sternly. She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. ", "It even got to the point where Twilight had to make a problem herself." Spike gently stepped inside, with intent to repent. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. Nodding to their sergeant, the Changeling troops assumed their disguises, as did Icy Tone and Snake Bite. You're going to need it, because there are long and trying days ahead. Rarity added. I was just thinking about stuff. Replied Luna. "Come on girls. With that, Shining bowed, before turning on a dime and motioning to his men to leave the sisters alone, returning to their stations as the throne room's ceremonial guards. "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. I knew I couldn't trust you, yet I let my merciful nature get the better of me! "Come in!" She seemed lost in thought, but to be sure she was OK, Spike decided to get her attention. And for Luna's sake, I nearly lost my life because of them! Do you realize, Princess, that had Twilight not found the real Cadance, who was also imprisoned down there, they could have both died? One could even say Twilight loved Celestia just as equally as she loved her mother. Those who gave themselves up were spared harvesting, but were taken prisoner. She acted nothing like herthe niece we know and love is warm, kind and caring, but the Cadance we saw at the wedding.she was so cold and distant. With a reciprocating nod and salute (respectively), the two ponies proceeded through the halls of the castle up to Celestia's private bedchambers, two rows of guards watching over the hall leading to both Celestia and Luna's rooms. Yelled a voice from outside the door. Meanwhile, Luna was first to break the ice between herself and Celestia. Nothing could get past the stony hardness of her gaze, but the worst of all? But that was the thing. How?". It was still clear within the depths of her mind; how harsh her brother was toward her, and how her so-called friends thought it right to walk out on her with no sign of pity or consolation. The latter turned to Shining Armor next. From the sound of the plan, this new operation would succeed where the previous attempt failed. "You are in charge of the armory. Cookies She may not be happy to see you, but if I know her, she will forgive you. Remember, we are tourists visiting the town. With that, the girls bade each other farewell, before returning to their homes. ", "There is blind loyalty, Rainbow, and then there is experience. There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. Replied Shining. One could even dare say the latter was no longer her favourite princess as well. After Twilight is abandoned by everypony she trusts, Maleficent makes the poor, depressed mare complete her curse. Eventually, she reached the gateway to the family's apple orchard, most of the trees lacking the apples which commonly hung from their branches. "Applejack, there's something Big Macintosh and I want to ask you.". Rainbow added. Barked Blade, who ran off to prepare the freshly replenished Changeling Army. Cadance asked inquisitively. ", "Why Auntie? Replied Shining without hesitation. "It's alright Applejack. "Hunter! Twilight was ravin' about Cadence being an impostor and repeatedly called her evil, which made her cry. Cadance was about to speak, but her train of thought instantly derailed. One thing was for certain, the girls had a tough job ahead of them, and it did not seem likely they'd succeed, given the charges against them. What do you mean Canterlot nearly fell?! She just wanted to cry, if it meant getting all of that stress out of her system. A redo of MLP: Sleeping Twilight Sparkle. Without them, they cannot corrupt a host, hence why Twilight did not fall victim to their temptations. "Yes Aunt Celestia. Cadance interjected. Pinkie and Fluttershy were also crying in their sleep, Rainbow was tossing and turning, her attempts to wear out her body coming to nothing. Fortunately enough for the elite Changeling spy, he did not have to wait long as around the same time Twilight and company had embraced each other in a hug, Blade soon reported back via telepathy. "Has she lost her mind or something?!" The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. She asked me if I knew a spell she had recently learned. "Girls, tell me Twilight wasn't right. That much was clear to the lot of them. ", "However, for as long as you remain bitter toward those responsible for her emotional trauma, then you will remain susceptible to corruption. Applejack's voice began to waver as her normally iron will sagged, melting back into a puddle of regret. I'll never leave you Twily" Said Cadance soothingly. Eventually, Celestia got a hold of herself. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on! The group was nearing Ponyville, and Cadance knew it was time for them to get ready. "No Granny Smith. That lesson was to never ignore the concerns of your friends, no matter how small. "The operation should take 8 hours maximum, but it is currently unknown what kind of defensive capabilities the enemy possesses. Shining could only hang his head deeper from the truth in her words. ", "It is a good plan, Commander." All you cared about that whole day was playing with the wedding cake decorations! With no words, he awaited his orders. calvary chapel church in downey; knapheide van shelving; jacksons clapham sun conure for sale md; portable water cannon for sale woodland for sale in hertfordshire 4a5e bmw fault code. "But goodness me, you look terrible. ", "I like your thinking Snake." Taking a moment to test the shield's strength, Applejack knocked a hoof against it. "Cadance, I need you to talk to Twilight, because she needs to know I am extremely sorry for what I have done. To ask for her forgiveness and to get her to resume being your student, or simply to resume being your attack dog?". In unison, the Mane 5 bowed their heads sadly. It wasn't long before they reached the bridge that crossed into the treacherous woodland. The only thing she cared about was how Twilight had provided her the perfect setup to launch a perfect, foolproof and failsafe assault on Canterlot. We all betrayed you Twilight. Cadance, can you and the girls try talking to her? You know why we are here. Applejack wasn't the only one who betrayed everything she stood for, we did as well. #3056427 - safe, lemon hearts, lyra heartstrings, minuette, moondancer, twilight sparkle, twinkleshine, pony, unicorn, canterlot six, female, initials, mare, unicorn twilight - Derpibooru Home Upload Forums Tags Rankings Filters Galleries Comments Commissions Channels Donate I can't help it. "You're a love-stealing evil thug!". "Oh Cadance" Sobbed Twilight, who embraced the former in a hug. I may fall, but I will fight you to the bitter end, because that is the reason I am a Royal Guard! Instead, she opted for a conciliatory defeat. None of us even looked her in the eye, nor did we show the slightest sign we still cared about her. "But what if this second echelon decides to rebel against us? If you and Cadance hadn't intervened, there would have been no saving Canterlot. Said Applejack. "Twilight, I'm here to say sorry for leaving you at the rehearsal. This had left them both hurt and furious, emotions which Luna knew full well would suppurate and fester within their souls. Applejack could not answer. Night and Velvet gently descended to the ground, their bodies embraced by Luna's inoculation spell. "Right away your Majesty". Following behind him was a sight that made the group tense up nervously. Unnerved, but not visibly so, Shining decided to make an announcement to his officers. Thus she knew what she needed to do. I need to know what she was doing the day of the invasion. Asked Rarity worriedly. "Ok men, engage your disguises. She looked about ready to give up "But we were so close to getting her back! They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. "We won't leave you ever again.". "Nervous?" "It's as simple as that. Asked Twilight from inside. If anyone asks, we are from Baltimare.". Youre all responsible for this and its only fair that a truly heartfelt apology is delivered if you want her and Spike to come around. In the last invasion, Chrysalis tried employing a policy wherein her troops would not kill, even those who fought against them. "Come on girls, you did well the first time. Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if..". Everyone in the Hive could feel it: nothing was going to stop them now. "Yes Luna. I'm so happy you still believe in me." "What is it honey? asked Velvet, feeling concerned. "I cannot hold my tongue any longer. That is what Shining told us when he came here, and it is the reason Velvet and I are so furious. It was making her apprehensive, but her overall mood was not shaken. ", "Luna, I need to ask you some questions. His parents literally didnt take the news well and with the warning still buzzing in his head like a flock of angry parasprites, Shining began walking back to the palace, knowing he'd have to report to Princess Celestia Night and Velvets warning. "Let me see my sister captain." It was my pride!that made me betray you Sugarcube. Spike could only smile at that. "Pack your things Spike. While there was no conflict outside, there was conflict deep inside. Twilight was your own sister, your own flesh and blood! The Changeling Queen took her place at the top of the table, flanked by her loyal general. Applejack, meanwhile, slowly trudged back to Sweet Apple Acres, saddened and dejected. To Luna, that was both an outrage and a major injustice to the lavender unicorn, who had done so much for not only Equestria, but for them both. . And as for you, you walked out on her too! The Mane 5 were shocked to see that the baby dragon had taken on such a strict form, but Cadance remained unbowed by such an appearance. Asked Shroud, preparing his mind to take mental notes, regardless of length. She's even madder now. As for Celestia, even though her mane still billowed proudly from her scalp, she looked very forlorn and remorseful. Celestia could feel another slash tear through her heart as Luna hit her with another telling question. "Oh Celestia, how are we going to fix this mess?" It was just them against the world. ", "No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. The pain in her heart had become too great. "As well as the sound of a bell!" With a sniffle from her snout, she fixed her Stetson and turned to face Cadance, a look of firm and hardy readiness on her face. How are we gonna be friends with her again if we can't forgive ourselves?!". The alicorn started crying, her stubbornness finally failing. The words "You have a lot to think about" continued to ring throughout the young unicorn's head, a constant reminder of her loved one's betrayal. The reason he left lay largely with popular choice, and that was to just leave Twilight to think about what she had done. Page generated in 0.03 seconds Chrysalis cackled evilly. "If you think I'm gonna surrender, you're dead wrong Chrysalis. ", "I failed the Element of Loyalty because I did not stand by you when it was needed most." The first, she imagined, would be giving her a gift of a simple, but beautifully made dress. Things were building to a climax as Celestia's eyes and teeth clenched tighter and tighter with every passing second. "Indeed she did, your Majesty." ", "But that wasn't your niece. Meanwhile, Princess Luna had flown out from Canterlot Castle to the home of Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Not only did he ban Twilight from this once-in-a-lifetime event, but he had to go and scar her mentally as well. It was just a slip of the tongue. "I don't know Luna. "No, thank you. From the shock she felt when Shining disproved everything she thought she knew about Fake Cadance before stripping her of the role of Best Mare and even the privilege of being at the wedding, to the horror and abandonment she felt when all five of her friends, even Spike, walked out on her with their eyes closed and their faces morphed into indignant frowns, to the utter pain and heartbreak she felt when Celestia stabbed her with a verbal dagger. Not forgetting her strong sense of generosity, she decided to offer Cadance somewhere to sleep for the night. Her efforts to try to pick herself up were in vain, as no matter how hard she tried to put it behind her, temporarily or otherwise, her own memories always found a way back to the forefront of her mind. my commanders are deploying their troops to assist construction efforts and seek out any Changeling stragglers. Why was Twilight not corrupted by these Nightmare Forces you speak of? "That is a question I am tormented with every day ma'am." Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. And in Twilight's case, alone, afraid, and very hurt?". Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". "What happened? Her eyes and teeth were clenched shut in pain and she was letting out groans that would rend one's heart irrevocable. Replied Velvet anxiously. "I'll talk to her first Rarity, let her know you all feel terrible for what you did and you want to apologize. At the same time, more dive bomber teams will hit the enemy's archers, attacking them from behind before entering the castle.

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